Hiring Procedures

To assist with the navigation of the hiring process, please choose the step in the chronological process that matches your current stage. If you're just starting, begin with Step 1!


1. Job Opportunity - New Position or Vacant Position (Internal or External Posting)

  1. The first step when requesting to post a new or vacant position is updating the job description. To obtain the job description, please email Pam Butler
  2. Once the job description is approved, the SPAF will be created and sent out. This form will circulate through the appropriate approvers and once finalized will come back to HR to begin the job posting phase.
    1. As the SPAF is being approved, HR will reach out to the hiring manager to fill out the job advertisement form to gather information about the job posting. 


2. Promotion or Significant Job Change (Internal Posting)

  1. The first step when requesting an employee promotion or significant job change (title change, job responsibility updates, new pay, etc.) is updating the job description. To obtain the job description, please email Pam Butler
  2. Once the job description is approved, the SPAF will be created and sent out. This form will circulate through the appropriate approvers and once finalized will come back to HR to begin the job posting phase.
    1. All job promotions must be posted to comply with the Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act.


3. Other Considerations - Temporary Positions, Simple Job Changes

  1. The first step when requesting temporary positions or making simple job changes (supervisor changes, hour changes, etc.) is updating the job description. To obtain the job description, please email Pam Butler
  2. Once the job description is approved, the SPAF will be created and sent out. This form will circulate through the appropriate approvers and once finalized will come back to HR. 
    1.  These positions do not need to be posted. 


  1. After the SPAF is approved, HR will post the job using the hiring manager's job advertising form. Once posted an email confirmation will be sent to the hiring manager or chair of the search. 
  2. All external CC jobs are automatically scraped to the following job boards: Indeed, HigherEdJobs, ConnectingColorado, Handshake, and Glassdoor.  

Advertising Support: If you would like more recommendations or are unsure of where to advertise positions, please reach out to Missy Liu.

A search committee is required for all full-time external searches. For part-time, temporary, and occasional (OC) external searches, a search committee is optional. For these roles, at least 2 people should be reviewing applications and interviewing. Internal searches also require at least 2 people.

Search Committee Composition - The search committee's role is to assist the hiring manager in the selection and interview process, to bring different perspectives, and to mitigate bias within the hiring process. The search team should be made up of diverse members across campus, members in the open position’s department and members who are stakeholders to the position. Each member must be present at all stages of the hiring process. If they are unable to attend meetings and both interviews, please consider selecting another person. 

There are 2 models you can use to build your search team. These models are designed to have less hierarchical roles participating; allowing other stakeholders to share their opinions and perspectives. Note: Another department can still be within the same division. 

Model A

  1. Hiring Manager/Chair
  2. Stakeholder of the position from another department
  3. Stakeholder of the position from another department

Model B

  1. Hiring Manager/Chair
  2. Member in open position's department
  3. Stakeholder of the position from another department
  4. Stakeholder of the position from another department

Ideally, the search team should consist of 3-4 members including the chair. It's advised not having more than 5 committee members as it can be difficult having effective conversations and coordinating schedules. Please reach out to Missy Liu if you need any support in putting together a search team.

Search Charge: Once a job has been posted and a search committee selected, a search charge meeting will take place. A meeting is not required, but if the search chair or members of the committee have not attended one in the past 12 months, or if there is a new search chair or committee members it is highly suggested. 

  1. Before the committee members review applications, the hiring manager/search chair will create an application rubric with the required and preferred qualifications of the job. 
  2. Once the rubric is created and the committee agrees and understands the qualifications, each member will review and evaluate all applications separately. 
  3. The committee will then rejoin and discuss their results and determine who they would like to invite to the first round virtual interview.
  4. The hiring manager/search chair will disposition applicants in the pool by moving them to the correct workflow in the portal. 

Best Practices:

  • Use the job description when creating the rubric. Not all qualifications listed on the job description need to be on the rubric. If you add any additional qualifications or qualities, they will fall under preferred qualifications.
  • Make sure you are specific with the qualifications. For example, define what "related experience" means.
  • All applications submitted before the "full consideration" date will be reviewed. If the applicant does not meet qualifications, document that on the rubric.
  • Follow these bias mitigation practices when reviewing applications.
  1. Once the committee has agreed on the top candidates after the application review, invite them to the virtual interview.
  2. Before the interview, determine which interview questions you will ask and create an interview rubric. Use this rubric to evaluate candidates.
  3. After the virtual interviews are complete, the search committee will rejoin and discuss who the top candidates are.
  4. Disposition candidates in the pool by moving them to the correct workflow in the portal. 
  5. Invite top candidates to a campus interview. Again before the campus interviews, determine which interview questions you will ask and create an interview rubric.

Best Practices:


  1. When the search committee has determined a finalist they would like to offer to, the hiring manager/search chair will submit a hiring recommendation in the PeopleAdmin portal. Use the PA user guide to assist with this process. Please make sure to “Submit to HR”, otherwise it will stay in “draft” form. 
  2. Ideally, reference checks are completed before submitting the hiring recommendation. However, we understand the importance of making an offer quickly. If needed, reference checks can be completed after the verbal offer. 
  3. Collect all documentation from the search committee, including notes, rubrics, campus feedback, etc. Please upload to the hiring recommendation.
  4. After the hiring recommendation is submitted, HR will reach out to the hiring manager (typically within 24-48 hours) with the offer. From there, the hiring manager will make a verbal offer stating the offer is contingent upon good references and an eligible for work background check.
  5. Once the contingent offer is accepted, HR will send the candidate a form to complete for their background check. The hiring manager will be cc'd on this email. 
  6. When the background check comes back eligible and the references have been uploaded to the hiring recommendation, the official offer letter and new hire paperwork will be sent to the new employee. 
  7. Finally, the hiring manager will reach out to the candidates that did not get the position and will disposition any remaining candidates in the PeopleAdmin portal.


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For more information regarding Faculty hiring, please visit the Dean of the Faculty website or email Andrea Bruder.

For more information regarding Student hiring, please visit the Student Employment website or email Student Employment.

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/31/2024