Current Employees

At Colorado College, we prioritize the growth and development of our employees. As part of this commitment, we have established clear guidelines for internal job postings to ensure fairness and transparency in our process. Our posting processes ensure compliance with all relevant labor laws, including the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act.   

There are 3 categories of internal job postings:


Internal roles may be updated when an employee is already effectively performing higher level job duties as a natural progression in their position. In these cases, there may be changes to the job description, title, and/or pay to reflect the updated responsibilities.  


A department of a division may choose to shift responsibilities among existing employees to help make processes more efficient or clarify responsibilities. If these changes result in significant changes in responsibilities, they must be posted internally.  

Job Opportunity

These are any job openings in which potential candidates are considered. This can be due to an employee leaving or a new position being created. If an internal candidate were to be hired for this position, they would be leaving a vacant position open.  

In both a promotion and reorganization, a person has been doing some aspect of the new role and that person’s former role will not exist after the change. We will post the position internally for five business days in compliance with the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. In the posting, we will communicate if an employee is recommended for the role. Other qualified candidates may apply for the position, but it’s likely the recommended candidate will be selected given their existing experience in the correlated role and the pending elimination of their existing role. 

When a job opportunity is posted internally it is treated as an internal competitive search. No recommended candidate will be listed, and any qualified candidate may apply.  

The decision to post a job opportunity internally or externally should be based on the candidate pool. While posting internally shows our prioritization to growth and development, it may limit the diversity of the candidate pool. When possible, we recommend job opportunities to be posted externally. Additionally, conducting an external search and subsequently hiring an internal candidate validates that the internal candidate was selected through an equitable process. This reinforces the commitment of hiring managers to fairness and equity in candidate selection.  

Guidelines of Internal Competitive Search: 

  1. There should be at least one strongly competitive internal candidate.  
  2. There should be no discussion of pay, or “promising” of the position to a candidate as it is a competitive internal search. 
  3. There will be a minimum of one interview with at least two interviewers.  

Any positions posted externally will follow the external hiring procedures 

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We are excited to offer these opportunities and support your continued growth with CC. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resources department. 
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/30/2024