Student Seed Innovation Grants

*We are not currently accepting proposals; we are awaiting funding*

The Student Seed Innovation Grant is a donor-funded grant program designed to empower Colorado College students to investigate questions and solve real-world problems that align with CC’s priorities: 

  • Anti-Racism 
  • Sustainability 
  • Mental Health & Wellness


A select committee of internal and external CC stakeholders review SSIG applications and assesses projects based on the following: 

  • Alignment to one of the three CC priorities 
  • Passion for the project idea 
  • Defined “so what” factor, specifically: how does the project address a larger global/cultural issue that benefits the greater good 
  • Professional grant writing standards

Who can apply

  • Any Colorado College Student currently enrolled and taking classes at CC 
  • Individuals or teams 
  • At least 50% of any SSIG team must be comprised of current CC students  
  • CC seniors IF: 
    • The SSIG application is submitted before graduation 
    • The proposed project will be complete within one year of graduation  

application process

There is one submission deadline each semester: 

  • Block 3 deadline: TBD, awaiting funding 
    • Round 1: all applications reviewed by C&I 
    • Round 2: select applications presented to SSIG committee  
  • Block 6 deadline: TBD, awaiting funding 
    • Round 1: all applications reviewed by C&I 
    • Round 2: select applications presented to SSIG committee
  • Up to 4 SSIG projects are funded each semester 
  • Funding is capped at $6,000 per project 
  • A project may be funded in part or in full   

application requirements

  • Submit applications through SUMMIT 
  • Applications require: 
    • Project-specific questions 
    • Estimated project budget 
    • Two letters of recommendation 
      • Mentor 
        • Mentor must acknowledge in LOR 
      • Faculty member 
    • College transcript 
    • Student account statement  
    • If working with humans, IRB approval  
    • If working with animals, IACUC approval  
    • If international travel, Global Education and Field Study Approval  


SSIG funds can:

  • Help pay for travel/provide a cost-of-living subsidy if the project is location-specific and/or requires a full-time commitment to complete  
    • Explanation in the application is required 
    • SSIG committee will review/determine travel/subsidy requests on a project-by-project basis  
  • Pay an expert to teach or assist with specialized skills specific to the project; however, hiring experts to complete the project is not allowed 
  • Purchase project-specific supplies  

SSIG funds cannot:

  • Directly support a CC thesis project in progress  
    • Extensions of completed CC thesis projects will be considered depending on SSIG project goals 
  • Fund patent applications 
  • Rent office spaces  
  • Hire staff 
  • Hire outside contractors to complete the project 
  • Pay off debts related/not related to the project 
  • Purchase computers, iOS devices, Android devices, or other personal technology 
  • Directly fund, support, or finance non-profits  
Report an issue - Last updated: 06/25/2024

Learn more

See video to learn more about Student Seed Innovation Grants.