Returning Students

Colorado College requires all first-year students, sophomores, and juniors to live on campus. Students participating in study away programs or who have received approval are exempt from this requirement. The exemption process for the 2024-25 academic year will open in Block 5 for any students required to live on campus.

Rising sophomore and junior housing selection will occur during Blocks 6 and 7. The housing agreement will open on Monday, Jan. 29, 2024. This year, students interested in living in Language Houses and other LLC Communities will be first to select spaces. Specific selection dates will be shared later this semester. Residential Experience will offer several information sessions regarding housing selection throughout Blocks 5 and 6.

General guidelines for Returning Student Housing Selection

As part of the process of living on-campus, all students must complete the Online Housing Agreement.

Housing Agreement available - January 29, 2024

Housing Agreement due - March 15, 2024

Where can I find it? StarRez Housing Portal

The housing selection guide will walk you through how to select roommates and how to sign the agreement. If you have trouble accessing, please reach out to our office!
Upon signing your housing agreement via the housing portal, students can begin to form roommate groups.
Students will receive timeslots for each round of housing selection they are eligible to participate in. Only students who have been approved for speciality communities will receive time slots for LLC/Specialty community selection. Timeslots are assigned randomly by class year, and will be emailed out via CC email a couple days before each round of housing selection.
It's important that you have a list of preferred rooms handy so that you can move on quickly and easily if the first room you want is no longer available. Once you choose your roommate, if applicable, you will be able to select a building with an available room of the configuration you are searching for. When you see the room you want, just click on it, confirm the room selection, and you're done! Your room assignment will appear on the screen with your selected roommate(s). Once you select a roommate and room, your roommate is also assigned to that room and will be unable to choose a different room. After you select a room, you are bound by that selection and will be unable to change it.

Does CC have gender neutral Housing?

Gender Neutral housing is recognized at Colorado College. Students interested in gender-neutral housing should contact, to secure and confirm housing assignments that meet your needs (i.e. Access to all-gender restrooms on designated floor/floor sections, etc.).


What if I require housing accommodations due to a disability-related reason (e.g., accessible housing, access to a kitchen or single-use bath, visual alarm)?

Please contact the office of Accessibility Resources by February 23rd ( For additional information, please visit the Accessibility Resources Housing Accommodations webpage. Accessibility Resources will carefully consider each request for accommodations on a case-by-case basis to ensure that students with disabilities have equitable access to the College's housing resources. Housing accommodation requests submitted after published dates will still be considered, however these requests may not be reviewed until after the Housing & Residential Experience room selection process has ended.


What is the Accessibility Resources timeline for returning students?

February 23: Students requesting disability-related housing accommodations should meet or talk with an Accessibility Resources staff member by this date.
March 1: Students requesting disability-related housing accommodations should submit documentation of disability and complete the Housing Accommodation Request Form by this date. The Housing Accommodation Request form will be made available after meeting with Accessibility Resources
March 8: Students who are approved for disability-related housing accommodations will be informed of their placements by this date. Students will be notified via CC email.

What will happen if I do not participate in the room selection process?

If you do not participate in the room selection process and are not granted off-campus approval, you will still be assigned a room over the summer by Housing unless you are going abroad or taking a leave of absence in the fall. You must still complete the On-Campus Housing Agreement.


May I live off-campus?

To request an exemption to the residential requirement, students must provide verification of one of the following qualifications, complete, and submit the residency exemption form to Student Housing:

  • Will live with a parent or legal guardian in Colorado Springs
  • Are married or are in a same-sex domestic partnership
  • Have dependent children living with you
  • Are 22 years of age or older
  • Are a veteran

Please visit our Off-Campus Living page on our website for more information.

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Report an issue - Last updated: 01/31/2024