Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Every year, the Office of Sustainability’s Emissions team performs an inventory of Colorado College’s (CC) carbon emissions. The data from the inventory is used in the annual report, the Greenhouse Gas Technical Report. The goal of this report is to provide an overview of CC’s carbon emissions.  It includes Colorado College’s gross emissions, as well as net emissions that take into account carbon offsets and carbon sinks.

The Report

The report provides information about greenhouse gases and the different "scopes" CC uses to differentiate sources of carbon emissions. It also explains carbon neutrality, carbon offsets, and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The report covers all data collected during the FY23 greenhouse gas inventory process, beginning with an explanation of the methodology and ending with graphs from SIMAPⓇ, the online platform used for the inventory. Below is a quick snapshot of the current state of emissions at CC.

Emissions Snapshot

Learn More

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/18/2024

GHG Reporting Data

Colorado College tracks its carbon emissions by submitting annual reports to AASHE STARS® and Second Nature, two organizations dedicated to assisting and tracking sustainability initiatives in higher education institutions. To view CC's emissions data, click on the graphic below. 


Read Our Latest Report

GHG Card

Quick Facts

  • CC’s Baseline Year: 2008
  • Units Used to Quantify Carbon Emissions: Metric Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent or MTCO2E
  • Achieved Carbon Neutrality: January 1st, 2020, which means CC has 0 net emissions
  • Renewable Energy: 100 % of CC’s purchased electricity comes from renewable energy
  • How Did We Do It?: On-campus projects (building renovations, efficiency upgrades, on-site renewable energy) and investments in carbon offsets and Renewable Energy Certificates
  • Main Source of Carbon Offsets: An investment in the Larimer County Landfill Gas Destruction Project in Fort Collins, Colorado, that converts methane from landfill waste into electricity