PageUp - Applicant Tracking System
Introduction to PageUp
HTTPS://Coming Soon - New Applicant Tracking System PageUp
PeopleAdmin, the applicant tracking system CC uses for Faculty and Staff postings, has been in place since 2009. In that time, CC has used it to post hundreds of positions, and search teams have received many thousands of applications.
The job seeker landscape has shifted significantly in the last few years. Applicant pools are diminishing, and new trends in hiring practices are emerging. To remain situated as a competitive employer, CC has been working to adopt new recruiting practices; but there are certain trends that PeopleAdmin has not been able to keep up with.
In Fall 2023, a project team consisting of members of the Dean of the Faculty, Student Employment, ITS, and HR began researching alternatives to PeopleAdmin. After several demos with different vendors, the project team unanimously agreed on a new software: PageUp.
PageUp specializes in Higher Education recruitment, and they understand the unique needs of the faculty, student, and staff recruiting processes. PageUp will also be implemented in a way that improves other talent acquisition procedures, such as job description updates and the position approval process. The user-friendly platform will be a refreshing change for hiring managers and search committees, as well as the new onboarding platform for new hires.
CC is currently configuring PageUp, with an anticipated “go-live” of later this summer/early fall. Watch for more updates regarding the transition from PeopleAdmin to PageUp.