CC Bounces Back
Fear of failure, encountering hardship or facing a challenge, these are universal experiences. We worry we may not be able to cope or that asking for help will diminish other’s belief in us or our belief in ourselves. But we can’t always be perfect, we won’t always be able to do it on our own, and we may not recognize our strength and ability to bounce back when we falter.
We asked members of our campus community to share a story of an experience of failure or a challenge and how success, learning, or personal growth came through/after that failure. These stories along with data from the 2023 National College Health Assessment highlight and normalize common feelings and experiences of CC students and explore how students can recognize their internal resilience and skills to recover from challenges and combat grind culture.
This project is a collaboration between the Wellness Resource Center, Accessibility Resources and the Advising Hub.
Interested to submit your own story or learn more? CC Bounces Back Interest Form
Manya Whitaker, Interim President, PHD
80% of CC students believe they lead a purposeful and meaningful life

Deka Spears: Assistant Director, Butler Center
71% of CC students say they tend to bounce back after illness, injury, or other hardships

Maybellene Gamboa: Assistant Professor, Organismal Biology & Ecology, PHD
74% of CC students agree that they are able to adapt when changes occur

Zac Lounsbury: Assistant Director, Accessibility Resources
84% of Colorado College students would seek help from a mental health professional if they were having a personal problem that was really bothering them.

Perilla Wang '28
71% of CC students say they tend to bounce back after illness, injury, or other hardships
My early life was about seeking approval. When someone praised my artwork, I immersed myself in art history, visiting museums to earn more recognition. “The Two Fridas” by Frida Kahlo inspired me. Despite the darker-skinned, fuller figure of one of the Fridas, her confident beauty radiated through time. I realized I could also be a symbol of beauty, beyond cultural standards.

My art teacher encouraged me to volunteer, teaching drawing to local students. There, I met a thin boy with sparkling eyes, whose wrist bore shocking scars from bullying. His story reminded me of my own past, and I knew I had to act. I created a club to combat verbal bullying and raise awareness. The club aims to encourage bystanders to stand up and intervene when witnessing bullying in schools, empowering them to act and stop the bullying. I designed a computer game where players decide whether to intervene when witnessing bullying. Writing the script was emotionally difficult, but I kept going, motivated by the thought of helping others. As more people joined, the club grew stronger.
My project gained recognition and led to an invitation to the Global Finals in Boston. While preparing, I visited a clothing store and realized that beautiful dresses existed for every body type. I chose a knee-length blue-and-white dress, and when strangers admired it, I felt a shift in my confidence. I truly believed I could be a symbol of beauty.
On the day of the presentation, sunlight streamed into the auditorium as I shared my story. At the end of the presentation, an audience member came up to thank me for my story. As he turned to leave, he added, “Nice dress”
“I know it,” I replied and smiled confidently.
Gretchen Wardell: Student Success Specialist, Pre-Law Advising
89% of CC students have a strong support network.

I was 16 when I had to face my first major experience with grief. My high school boyfriend had just committed suicide. I was devastated. And yet, I was the one comforting my friends. I was the one who listened, hugged, cried, and laughed with my friends. I wasn’t resentful at the time, but I was confused. And then I realized, this affected more than just me. Quite obviously, this action affected everyone. This shaped how I look at life today. Things happen to everyone and we are all tied together in this life through the good and the bad.
As life passed on, more situations arose that were lined with grief. I never hid from that, rather I talked about it. I’m open about my struggles which hopefully normalizes situations for those going through the same thing. I want to talk about the hard things. I want to offer comfort. I want to show people that they can grow with grief rather than work around it. Grief is uncomfortable but that uncomfortable is what makes you better. You can get through anything if you try.
Resiliency is hard. It’s hard when you’re in the middle of the ick. How does anyone get out of the icky situations? Positivity helps. Know that the good will happen. Tell yourself 3 things you’re grateful for every night. Those 3 things might be small but by making this a habit, you will find the great in every day. Even when grief is smacking you in the face, good happens. You have to believe that. You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that you can learn from everything. You have to believe that things happen for a reason even if it feels like the end of the world.
Dr. Jarred Wiehe: Associate Director of Student Success
74% of CC students agree that they are able to adapt when changes occur
It’s a truism of disability studies that to live in the world means to open yourself up to the real, everyday possibility of acquiring a disability. The temporary privilege of able-bodiedness is just that—temporary. It can always change. And that’s not an apocalyptic statement asking you to be scared of disability or fear losing able-bodiedness. It’s an invitation to destigmatize disability and even value disability as a new method of making knowledge and understanding the world.
During the last semester of my Ph.D. program, my spine gave out, and four discs threatened to sever the nerves to the lower half of my body completely--coming within millimeters of paralyzing me from the waist down. Turns out I have a congenital spinal deformity that makes my spine store compression in a scary way. (Shocker, they didn’t run tests for kids’ garbage spines in dirt rural Georgia in the 90s).
That semester, I finished my dissertation by putting my newly disabled body in new positions. I wrote on my back on my couch. I graded on the floor on a yoga mat flat on my stomach like an infant during “tummy time.” I advocated for the department getting me a standing desk. I bedazzled my back brace to still be a fashion icon on campus. When the chronic pain flared up, I rested. And I got my Ph.D.
So, here’s what disability taught me: slow down; listen to your body’s needs; adapt to find it comfort; and know through your disability. By “know through,” I mean embracing the new ways of seeing and feeling the world that disability opens up. For instance, I was able to share some new research at the Modern Language Association (MLA) in 2023 on crip-queer critique, playable crip epistemologies, and Hideo Kojima’s game, Death Stranding (2019). I came to the insights in that paper because I felt Kojima’s videogame differently. I can’t sit a lot, so being conscientious of my core muscles and pain levels while balancing on an exercise ball and loading up Norman Reedus’ virtual body with an ungodly amount of cargo while he grunts made me go, “Oh, wait, I think this game knows something cool about disability, extractive productivity, radical interdependence, and late-stage capitalism…” I know something new because of my disability.
As you and your CC peers bounce back after illness, injury, or other hardships, take seriously the new things you’ll learn and make use of them in your intellectual pursuits at CC. Exciting, new lines of inquiry will open up as you make knowledge through your illness, injury, or disability.
Ella Schuchard '27
86% of CC students feel they are competent and capable in the activities that are important to them
I came into my freshman year of college fully expecting it to be one of the best years of my life. I imagined spontaneous adventures every weekend and just the right amount of academic challenge to keep things interesting. What I didn’t anticipate was feeling completely alone at times and questioning whether I was even cut out for this. Freshman year wasn’t just difficult, it completely upended my sense of self.
I had always found comfort in academic validation throughout high school: if nothing else, I could always rely on my teachers to boost my ego and my GPA to make me feel like I had things under control. But when my personal life and things back at home started to unravel, so did my ability to focus. My mental health plummeted, and I felt stuck in one of the darkest places of my life. To make matters worse, it seemed like everyone around me was thriving, effortlessly making friends and adjusting to college like it was no big deal. Meanwhile, I was contemplating whether I could survive off microwave popcorn because the idea of walking into Rasty’s alone felt unbearable.
The turning point came when I realized that I didn’t have to go through it alone. There werepeople who wanted to help me. I reached out to the health center and started using my freetherapy sessions. Eventually, I got connected with a local therapist who was only a 15 minute walk from campus. She truly helped me work through everything I was feeling. And as I slowly started to process things, I found myself opening up to people around me. I built real friendships, ones that made me feel supported and understood. I finally found my community.
Fast forward to now: I’m doing so much better. Somehow, I’ve gone from feeling completely and utterly lost to being a co-head of the Llamapalooza Music Festival, a co-chair for the Bridge Scholars Program, and deeply involved in campus life. I won’t lie to you, college is still nothing like a coming-of-age movie. Between being a STEM major and five on-campus jobs, free time is definitely a foreign concept. But I’ve realized that joy doesn’t have to come in grand, cinematic moments. It’s in the small things, and there’s always time for friendship and late-night laughs.
If I could go back and talk to my freshman-year self, I’d tell her this: it gets better. As cliche as it sounds, it really does. Even when it feels like everything is falling apart, there is always a way through. Adjusting to college is SO HARD, and it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re the only one struggling. But the truth is, everyone has their moments, some people are just better at hiding it. Finding your place takes time, and that’s okay. Keep going. I promise, you’re stronger than you think.
Emily Bennett '26
89% of CC students have a strong support network
Everyone told me that Orgo was going to be hard. Boy, were they right! Orgo 1 was difficult- but Orgo 2 seemed impossible. I knew how much mindset played a role in how hard I was going to work for a class, so I was determined to enjoy it. First week finished and it was time for Exam 1. I felt prepared, I had done all I could do. I got my test back, handed to me taco style so no one could peek…my heart fell to the floor. The number- 66.67% was blazed into the back of my eyelids. The lowest score I’ve ever had on a test, which I realize is not a universal experience- but failure in some way is. My stomach churned and I could only cry.
I was crushed. I didn’t know what else to do. I dried my tears as best I could and called my mom- my anchor,pulling me back in when I have spiraled out, putting things into words that I didn’t even know I was feeling, showing me unconditional love and putting life into perspective. She talked with me and prayed with me, telling me that it was going to be okay. I felt more at peace, but not 100%.
When I got the inevitable email from my professor asking to discuss my exam, I was disappointed in myself. I felt I should have done better. But she helped me realize that this score meant I knew two thirds of the content. She also had a tissue box ready. My lab professor helped me realize that not everyone gets everything correct on their first try. Fast forward to a few weeks later, as I was studying in the library, my friends made me a care package- complete with C store snacks, squishies, and encouraging notes- that brought me to tears. I felt like my effort hadn’t helped me much with scores, but they showed me that it didn’t matter to them! The next week, 4th Tuesday, was my birthday. My friends threw me a surprise party in the library before class and brought coffee cake to celebrate. I again was at a loss for words and only could thank them so very much.
I felt loved despite not being able to give much love to myself.
Then the final came. I vividly remember waking up and the sun not being up, but the sky was light. I groaned. I got ready, made coffee, prayed, opened my computer and was intent on studying before class. However, I was simply frozen in fear. I called my mom, literally bawling. She asked me what I was afraid of, after all it was just a test, and I thought for a moment and said, quietly, “failing”. She asked, “what happens if you fail this class?” Honestly, I got a little offended because in my mind, that simply wasn’t an option. No kids raised in the HGT (Highly Gifted) program could fail a class- it didn’t matter how hard it was. I said, “Well, I guess I'll take it again” right there, part of me sighed in relief. This wasn’t actually the end of the world like my brain was telling me. Feeling slightly more collected, I walked over to class… my heart pounded, my eyes welled with tears, my muscles quivered, and I literally could not make it across the quad. I stopped by a tree, holding on and practiced square breathing as best I could. My mom was in my ear- talking to me, telling me that it was just a test, and I was going to be okay. As the clock ticked closer to nine, I knew I had to make myself get into class. My mom promised that it was going to be okay and that everyone would still love me no matter what happened on this test. I thanked her, marched over to class, bright red eyes and cheeks and all.
Orgo 2 still stands to be the hardest class I’ve ever taken, but without people around me cheering me on I would have never finished it. It is thanks to everyone- friends, family, God, professors, classmates- around me who pushed me to keep going when I felt I had nothing left to give. Don’t let yourself be bullied by yourself into feeling you must be alone. There is someone out there, even if you don’t know it, who is rooting for you, just as you are.
Cassidy Craige '25
89% of CC students have a strong support network
It’s okay to be nervous. Someone I met on the first day of college knows I get anxious taking tests and she texts me every morning before an exam telling me “you got this”.
It’s okay to be vulnerable. One of my best friends knew something was bothering me. She was right. She somehow always knows if there is something on my mind. We plopped ourselves on the couch with cups of ginger tea and she held space for me like nobody ever has done for me before.
It’s okay to ask for help. I lost a close friend my Junior year of high school. A co-worker (and now friend) wrote me a 3-page letter explaining how she is there for me in a way that she wished someone was there for her when she lived through the same thing. “Call me anytime, even if it is 3 am.”
It’s okay to be scared. The first class I took for my major sent me into a sea of overwhelm. I was still new to the block plan and thinking about EVERYTHING that had to get done in 3 ½ weeks was daunting. Every day after class, I called my mom and took a walk down my favorite street near campus. She helped me be present in the moment and she taught me that I can only take things one at a time, one day at a time.
It’s okay to have nerves. I worked over a winter season studying for my Adaptive Cognitive and Visual Impairment alpine ski exam. After work, my co-workers and I would have “silly rowdy study sessions” to lessen the intimidation of the daunting exam to come. We were all in it together. We quizzed each other with flashcards sitting on the floor of the locker room, gave each other mock teaching scenarios, and on the day of the exam, we all cheered each other on as we were handed our pins and certificates.
It’s okay to cry. The 4th Block of sophomore year was tough on levels I didn’t know existed. Let me paint the picture: I hit a deer driving back to school from Thanksgiving break, my bank accounts were hacked the next day, my email was leaked somewhere and I was now subscribed to 500 random spam lists, I was in a second car accident, and to top it all off, my class was downright kicking my butt. I felt so defeated and the “end” of it all seemed non-existent. Invisible, even. My roommates made sure I was fed, taking care of myself, and they gave me shoulders to cry on. My roommate’s mom even wrote me a letter expressing her love and support. They built up my resilience.
It’s okay to have your own path. Due to credits from high school, I am graduating from CC a year early. As excited as I am for the upcoming chapters in my life, it is really hard to think about leaving my friends who I began this journey with as freshman. It feels weird to be going separate ways. These people. The people I have known since the days in our freshman dorm. The people who became best friends. The people who played paddle pirates on our Priddy Trip. The people who I thought would be disappointed that I wasn’t going to close this chapter with them have been nothing but supportive of my decision.
Whether it be a tough class, a personal challenge, or just a really bumpy road, there is always someone there. There is always something there to help. It may seem invisible sometimes, but it’s here, I promise.
Rebecca Parker: Arts & Crafts Director
89% of CC students have a strong support network
School was hard for me from the start. I didn’t learn to read until I was in 3rd grade. Math was impossible, memorizing history, or spelling took hours, and tests just further confirmed that I wasn’t getting it. For me that translated to not being smart. In a time where my confidence could have taken an impossible turn, it didn’t because I was lucky to be raised in a house of teachers. My mom noticed that I was an experiential learner, and she spent hours with me after school writing my spelling words in shaving cream on the driveway so I would remember the texture or matching my dance moves to multiplication tables. Even with her brilliant guidance for a long time, this struggle felt insurmountable.
The thing that I didn’t realize until much later is that I was an artist, and the ways I engage with the world are different. And although my family was not made up of artists, they are each creative in their own way and they understood how to support me. The first time I went to a museum was the first time my parents went to a museum. My mom was the one to encourage me to major in art. And my entire family has taken part in many of my performance art pieces. My family has always been along for the journey. I share all of this because I learned early on that failure, experimentation, risk-taking, and vulnerability would always be a part of my path as a learner. I did not know how well these qualities would serve me as an artist.
When I found my way to art, I also discovered the incredible way in which creatives support each other—it makes risk taking easier. In college I took the biggest risk and decided to commit to studying art, and I think more importantly making art the center of my life. It is also during this time that I found my first artist community. I met a group of friends who were artists, writers, and musicians who taught me what living the creative process looked like.
Throughout my undergrad and grad school experience I became quite comfortable with trying something new and failing. It’s part of the process so that you can find the form for your expression. And it wasn’t until I found ceramics and then later performance art that I found my footing. It was through this experimentation that I started to trust the process and understand that showing up to the studio and making something even if it wasn’t good was moving me forward. In one of my early performances in grad school I had spent months developing the idea, researching, and then creating this large-scale installation. It was a personal piece, and I was nervous and excited to perform it for my faculty and peers. After the performance, in a tough critique I realized that it hadn’t communicated anything I had hoped. In that moment, those same feelings I felt as a kid came back, but this time it was my art family that offered support and perspective.
Artists need each other.
My struggle in education sparked an interest in creating spaces in which you can truly love to learn. And over the last several years, I’ve let go of some personal art making because the joy I find in creating and supporting spaces for others to make art is so fulfilling. I’ve been fortunate to be a part of many caring and generous artist communities and have learned that vulnerability can lead to transformation, experimentation is necessary, and that when you have the right support risks don’t feel so large. It is in artists' communities that I thrive; I can be myself and feel supported enough to fail.
My deep love that I found for art and artist communities continues here at CC. Every day I get to make art with you, support your creativity, and challenge you to take a leap and try something new.
Each CC Bounces Back story is paired with a social norm statistic from the National College Health Assessment of CC students taken in 2023 to highlight and normalize common feelings and experiences
74% of CC students agree that they are able to adapt when changes occur
71% of CC students say they tend to bounce back after illness, injury, or other hardships
86% of CC students feel they are competent and capable in the activities that are important to them
80% of CC students believe they lead a purposeful and meaningful life
89% of CC students have a strong support network
84% of CC student would consider seeking help from a mental health professional if they were having a personal problem that was really bothering them.
Over the past five years, only 1.2% of CC students graduated with a 4.0 GPA.
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