Frequently Asked Questions

Is New Student Orientation (NSO)/Winter Start Orientation (WSO) mandatory?

New Student Orientation is a requirement for attending Colorado College and is an important process for all incoming students to participate in and connect to to their new environment. Throughout the entire orientation program students can expect to learn more about the culture at CC, how to be successful both academically and socially, develop friendships and relationships with fellow students, faculty, and staff. And of course, have a great time.

Do all Priddy Experiences include a service component? Why?

Yes, all Priddy Experiences incorporate half day of service with a variety of organizations and groups. Service activities range from trail maintenance with the National Forest Service to working at Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center in Teller County, CO. All Priddy Experiences incorporate service in an effort to connect all incoming students with the Southwest community and instill a sense of stewardship and civic duty.


What are the important dates?

It is essential that all incoming students register for their Priddy Experience as soon as possible so we can properly plan and prepare for your trip. Please see the CC Bound "Dates, Deadlines & To-dos" webpage.

How are groups assigned?

All participants are assigned to their Priddy Experience groups based on several factors:

  • Participant Preference: All trippees are able to select their preference to what kind/style of experience they are interested in and the NSO interns use this information to place you as close to your preferences as possible. Please understand that placing trippees into a group they may prefer is of top concern but can be fairly difficult depending on the number of groups and number or trippees. Regardless of what group you get placed on we guarantee you will have a great experience.
  • Medical Information: When placing trippees we also look at the recorded medical history that you all provide in your Registration. We understand many of the incoming students arriving to CC can be very active and may be arriving with injuries or other medical factors that may limit their ability to participate in specific types of activities. It is important for all trippees to disclose any and all medical information in their registration so that we can properly prepare and accommodate every individual.

*Please keep in mind we do our best to place students in the most appropriate experience for them but we cannot guarantee a perfect match with your preferences. Groups are dependent on what service sites we are working with and many other factors. We appreciate your patience and understanding of this.


Why do I have to list my medical information?

It is extremely important to list all updated and previous medical information so that trip leaders and administrators of the Priddy Experience can help make sure that all participants will be in a safe environment. If a trippee does get injured or requires medical attention, Priddy leaders will have the proper information to help administer care for the trippee as well as provide this information to emergency personnel and medical professionals.

What kind of training do Priddy Leaders have?

All Priddy Leaders go through intentional training in order to be able to facilitate a positive experience as well as manage risks in order to provide a physically and emotionally safe space for everyone. All leaders are trained in Outdoor Education trip policies and procedures including risk management and emergency response that include, but are not limited to:

  • A current First Aid/CPR certification
    • Many of our leaders have Wilderness First Responder (WFR) or Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certifications
  • Additional required leader trainings through Outdoor Education's Ahlberg Leadership Institute
  • Third-party outdoor certifications
  • Independent outdoor leadership experience

How will your student be contacted about the Priddy Experience?

If we need to contact you for more information or to share updated information about the Priddy Experience, we will email a student's CC email account. Please make sure to be checking your CC email regularly throughout the summer for important information and updates.

How do I find out more information about the Priddy Experience group I am placed in?

All trippees will find out their final placement during their move-in day when they meet with their Priddy Experience group for the first time. In some cases, you may receive information a few days before move-in day from your Priddy Leaders via email.

How can I get in touch with my student while they are on their Priddy Experience?

Groups may travel through areas that have no or very limited cell phone service. Throughout orientation we also ask students to be engaged and present in order for them to get the most out of the experience. If you need to get in touch with your student for an emergency please reach out to Rachael Abler at and she will be able to relay information. 

What if I have specific accommodations or a personal situation that will impact my participation on the Priddy Experience?

Our primary goal during the Priddy Experience is to help ensure that all students have a fun, welcoming, and safe experience. We work closely with our incoming students who may have special needs and accommodations to place them appropriatly with the necessary resources they may need. All incoming students are able to list any accommodations in their Priddy Experience Registration but if you have more specific needs please do not hesitate to reach out to with questions or concerns! We will work directly with you to ensure we can accommodate all of your needs during the Priddy Experience. 

Explore Outdoor Education

Facility Hours

Outdoor Education Center
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
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Please visit each facility page for more information regarding hours for the Gear House, Bike & Ski Co-op and the Ritt Kellogg Climbing Gym.

Contact Us

(719) 389-6803

931 N. Nevada Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Report an issue - Last updated: 06/25/2024