Ritt Kellogg Climbing Gym
The Ritt Kellogg Climbing Gym is a FREE on-campus resource for students, faculty, and staff. This facility includes a large climbing room as well as a training area. Options exist for bouldering, top-roping, lead-climbing, dry-tooling, slack-lining, and training. All ability levels are encouraged to come, and equipment is provided for free for those without any personal climbing gear. The Ritt Gym Staff also offers a wide variety of clinics and workshops throughout the year!
El Pomar Sports Center, Middle Floor
For an updated list of all of our events, clinics, and aerial fabrics classes, please visit SUMMIT!
All active employees and students are welcome to use the facility.
Programs and Clinics
Diverse Climbers of CC
This blockly time is a space held for the Diverse Climbers of CC to come together to create community and explore their shared interest in climbing.
Femmes & Thems
This blockly time is a space held for gender non-binary, womxn, transgender, and femme-identifying students to climb in community.
Belay Assessments
If you already know how to properly and safely belay, stop by the climbing gym at any time during open climbing hours and ask for a Belay Assessment. Our belay assessments are based on the American Alpine Universal Belay Standards. Successfull completion of a Belay Assessment is required prior to top rope or lead belaying in the gym.
Open Route Setting
Help to create some of the awesome routes at the climbing wall! Stop by our Open Setting hours where our route setter staff will provide an orientation to route setting and help you set fun and challenging climbing routes!
Aerial Silks Classes
All are welcome to come to experience the exciting world of aerial silks through hands-on instruction. Silks participants will learn to use the fabric that is suspended from the climbing wall to swing, fall, suspend, and spiral their bodies into and out of various positions. Beginner and intermediate classes are offered.
Skill Development Clinics
The Ritt Kellogg Climbing Gym is a gym meant to be a fun, safe, welcoming, and educational space for all of the CC community. We offer a wide variety of clinics for all skills and ability levels. The clinics are taught in line with industry standards and will help any climber take their skills to the next level and learn how to be safe in the process! See a current schedule and register on SUMMIT!
Some of our clinics include:
- Belay Classes - Top Rope and Lead
- Knots and Hitches
- Climbing Movement and Technique
- Intro to Anchor Building
- Anchor Cleaning and Rappelling
- Intro to Traditional Gear and Anchors
- Intro to Multipitch Climbing
- Intro to Dry Tooling
- Rock Climbing Rescue
- Intro to Aid Climbing
Explore Outdoor Education
Facility Hours
Contact Us
931 N. Nevada Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903