CCE Changemaker Curriculum
The CCE offers a workshop series that aims to build changemaking skills, and generate dialogue around self, community impact & issues, and theories of social change. This is a developmental, 4-year series that offers one workshop per block geared toward students in each cohort, so students can take blockly workshops throughout their CC experience in a developmental progression. In workshops, students connect theory to action by reflecting on and applying content to their community engagement experiences. This is also our curriculum for the CCE's signature programs - Bonner Fellows and Community Engaged Scholars.
Regular Schedule
First-Year Workshops: 2nd Tuesdays, 3:30-5
Second-Year Workshops: 2nd Wednesdays, 3:30-5
Third-Year Workshops: 1st Thursdays, 3:30-5
Fourth-Year Workshops: 3rd Mondays, 3:30-5
Can I attend any workshop?
Yes! Please feel free to join any workshop that interests you. This curriculum is open to any interested students of any cohort; you do not have to be a senior, for example, to join the senior workshops. Just know that that workshop was designed as part of a multi-year curriculum and so builds on prior topics and leads to future topics.
Upcoming Workshops
RSVPs are encouraged but not required. To RSVP, click the "register now" button, log in to Summit, and register.
If you'd like to view the workshops geared toward your specific class, use the search bar to filter by "first-year," "second-year," "third-year" or "fourth-year."Learning Goals
Knowing how to engage effectively, deliberately, or democratically must be learned. Within the academic division of labor in higher education, students discern what they believe needs to be changed in the world in core disciplines and majors; the field of civic engagement, with a foot in theory and a foot in practice, builds experiential knowledge of how to effect change in the world.
The curriculum aims to generate spaces for dialogue and reflection around three core themes:
- SELF - self-inquiry and understanding, and exploring the intersection between engagement and "positionality" - meaning how one's position in the social and political world shapes one's perspective, voice, and influence in community-engaged work
- COMMUNITY IMPACT & ISSUES - place-based knowledge and deep understanding of the issues in which you engage
- THEORIES OF SOCIAL CHANGE - theories and models of social change, and strategies to engage with - not for - communities beyond our campus
Questions? Email Jordan Travis Radke at!