Week of Action January 13th-17th, 2025

The Week of Action (January 13th-17th, 2025) is a campus-wide week of opportunities and events that aim to mobilize and inspire staff, and faculty to engage in local community-based work. In doing so, we aim to expose our campus community to shared issues, challenges, and organizations with which they can continue to engage.


Campus Collaborators

We appreciate the participation from the following offices:
The Advising Hub
Campus Recreation
Outdoor Education
Office of Sustainability
The President's Office
Institutional Equity and Belonging
Human Resources
Mail Center
Visual Resources
Art Department
Communications and Marketing
Collaborative for Community Engagement
Dean of the College

Community Partners


tessa logo.                 habitat logo


palmer land conservancy logo               LFS Logo


care and share logothe place logo

concrete couch logo    rmh logo transparent

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/20/2024