General Departmental Duties
You are the representative and spokesperson for the department, interacting with the Dean, alumni, parents, students, etc. on relevant departmental issues, including curriculum, personnel, and budget. You are also an administrator, expected to be familiar with college policies (such as those in the Faculty and the Staff Handbooks, Nondiscrimination, Conflict of Interest, Nepotism, Procurement, Records, Freedom of Expression) and are responsible for representing the college to faculty, staff, students and other parties.
Among other duties, your responsibilities generally include planning your own calendar (in coordination with your staff assistant) and expected activities and deadlines; running regular department meetings and events; budget requests; capital equipment requests; welcoming visitors; orientation for new faculty and staff hires; personnel reviews (Third-Year, tenure, promotion, annual meeting with pre-tenure faculty); bi- and annual salary reviews; proposals (visitor blocks, new hires); course schedule; assessment (alternate years with salary); hiring process; key advising times, senior progress and graduation; student complaints and faculty concerns.
You are also responsible for ongoing staff performance oversight and management, timesheets, and annual staff evaluations. Please refer to Human Resources for instructions and the commonly used forms.