Curriculum Development
Applications should be submitted via the online application portal (portal link also posted in the Dean of the Faculty Canvas page).
Typically, updated calls for proposals are sent in March and the application is due in Canvas in early April.
Overview of Curriculum Development Funding Sources
- Norman B. Smith Summer Curriculum Development Grant
- Dean of the Faculty Curricular Development Grant
- Open Education Curriculum Development Grant
- Christian Johnson Endeavor Fund (Block 1 call)
- Jackson Fellowship (Block 5 call)
Norman B. Smith Summer Curriculum Development Grant
Eligibility: Tenure-track faculty in their first or second year at the College.
Description: Four summer salary grant of $4,000 each (taxable income) to support faculty members in the development of any course in any field in the summer (assuming 4 full weeks of focused effort).
See submission guidelines below.
Dean of the Faculty Curricular Development Grants
(new course and substantial revisions)
Eligibility: Tenured and tenure-track faculty, and lecturers.
Description: This Dean of the Faculty (DOF) award supports faculty in the preparation of new courses or substantial revisions to existing courses. The salary grant for new courses is $4,000 (assuming 4 full weeks for focused effort) and for significantly revised courses is $2,000 (assuming 2 full weeks of focused effort). Awards for a team application will be shared equally.
We are especially interested in proposals for courses that:
- Incorporate High Impact Practices.
- Will advance the College’s Antiracism Commitment, diversify the curriculum, with a specific focus on including and addressing issues of equity, power, inequality, and diverse experiences, or will incorporate inclusive and antiracist approaches in course content selection, pedagogy, and classroom climate to support student success and thriving.
- Will incorporate ideas and goals identified by Project 2024.
- Will be taught as CC100 and/or CC120, incorporating the goals and objectives of the First Year Program.
- Fulfill the Critical Learning across the Liberal Arts general education requirements, especially courses that have few or no prerequisites.
- Serve as gateway or core courses in a major, especially courses that impact a high number of students.
See submission guidelines below.
Open Education Curriculum Development Grant
Eligibility: Tenured and tenure-track faculty, and lecturers.
Description: These grants will support faculty members that are building new courses or revising current courses with Open Educational Resources or faculty that are developing/publishing their own Open Resources for courses. The goal is to support dynamic open pedagogy while eliminating material costs for students.
See this guide:
Please reach out to Patrick Mundt, OER and Lead Research Services Librarian: | (719) 389-6996 or Dustin Fife, College Librarian: | (719) 389-6070
Christian Johnson Endeavor Fund
Colorado College encourages innovative, discipline-specific and interdisciplinary faculty proposals, include "team" proposals that will increase the number of CC and CC-affiliated international programs, improve international programs already established at CC, or broaden the range of the College's internationally-oriented courses. Through the generosity of the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation, awards approximately $15,000 annually to support course development and affiliation/exchange development. Typically, the call is issued via email in Block 1, with the deadline in Block 2. A second round at the end of Block 5 may occur if funding is available.
Jackson Fellowship
Named for Helen Jackson, the grandniece of Helen Hunt Jackson, Jackson Fellowship grants provide support to Colorado College faculty involved in scholarship or course development on themes with southwestern content. The program is funded by the Helen Jackson and William S. Jackson Family Endowment. The call is typically issued via email in Block 5 with a deadline in Block 6.
Guidelines for Submission of Curriculum Development Proposals
The following guidelines apply to:
- Norman Smith
- DOF Curriculum Development Grants
The online form will ask for the information below. Please prepare your application in a separate document and then cut and paste your answers into the online application portal.
- Name of applicant
- Course information: course number, title, course description.
- Type of grant: Is this for a course revision grant or a course development grant?
- Rationale: A rationale for developing the new course or revising an existing course. Explain its positive impact on the curriculum and student learning, such as will be taught as CC100 and/or CC120, incorporating the goals and objectives of the First Year Program; Fulfill the Critical Learning across the Liberal Arts general education requirements, especially courses that have few or no prerequisites; Serve as gateway or core courses in a major, especially courses that impact a high number of students; Will make use of open education resources or High Impact Practices; Will diversify the curriculum, with a specific focus on including and addressing issues of equity, power, inequality, and diverse experiences, or will incorporate inclusive and antiracist approaches in course content selection, pedagogy, and classroom climate to support student success and thriving; Will incorporate ideas and goals identified by Project 2024.
- Project description: Describe the course development work that will be undertaken. For example:
- Have you identified the expected student learning outcomes? What will students learn and be able to do?
- What are the specific elements of the course you aim to design? (e.g., readings, discussions, activities, field-based or community-based learning, collaboration and leadership opportunities, student papers or projects, connection to career center and post-graduation preparation)
- Timeline: A timeline of activities required to complete the project.
- Recent and current awards: Please list any curricular development or research grants from any Colorado College sources in the past three years. If you have previously received a grant from the Office of the Dean of the faculty, you will be reminded to submit a report for your previous grant.
- CV
- (optional): A current syllabus or an outline for a new syllabus, if available.
Reporting responsibility: At the completion of the project, award recipients must submit a new or revised syllabus to Office of the Dean of the Faculty ( by November 1 following the summer of support. The syllabi may be made available to others who are seeking to develop and revise courses.