Internal Grants Overview

Colorado College is fortunate to offer a wide variety of internal funding opportunities for faculty. Below we present the opportunities organized by the Block in which the calls are issued. You could also review internal funding based on:

Internal Funding Calls by Block

Please note that this table includes information on a handful of student opportunities because of the key role faculty play in students' applications. For comprehensive information on resources for students, visit the College's Funding Opportunities for Students page.

Table of the schedule for funding calls during the academic year for grants and funds
Faculty Research
 Curriculum Development

Research Block Grant
- an award of time

Sabbatical Support
- an award of time

Christian A Johnson Endeavor Fund - support for international curriculum development or affiliation/exchange development

Divisional Funding
- depending on funding availability, calls may be reissued in the spring

Asian Studies Funding
- depending on funding availability, a call may be reissued in Block 6


Equipment - calls for Kresge Funding are issued to Department & Program Chairs




Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Funding

Jackson Fellowships
- Southwest Studies


Jackson Fellowships
- Southwest Studies

Figge-Bourquin Summer Research Award
- for pre-health students


Summer Research and Scholarship Grants

  • Mrachek Fellowship Research Grant
  • DOF Summer Research Grants

Crown Center Support

Curriculum Development Grants

  • Dean's Curricular Development Grants
  • Norman B. Smith Summer Curriculum Development Grant
  • Crown Center Critical AI Literacy Course Development Grant

Research Funding for Natural Science Students

  • Dille Fund
  • Lindeman Fund
  • Taber Fund
Housing Support for Summer Research Students
Frequent & Rolling Deadlines

Baca "Writer's Retreat" Grants

CCE Community-Engaged Research Grants

Conference Travel

Dependent and Elder Care Presentation Travel Grant

SEGway Program
- for strategic activities related to future grant applications

Sheffer Fund
- for a wide variety of activities related to Roman Catholic Studies

Visiting Speakers

 Summer call:

Creative Confidence Project


Venture Grants
- for student research expenses

The Matrix

The "Matrix" is an excel document that attempts to capture all of the internal funding opportunities available to CC faculty. Please note that the Matrix does not include information on funding available to faculty in a particular department.

Please also note that the Matrix includes information on a handful of student opportunities because of the key role faculty play in students' applications. For comprehensive information on resources for students, visit the College's Funding Opportunities for Students page.

To request updates, additions, or corrections to the Matrix, please contact Tess Powers, the Director of Faculty Research Support.

Other important reminders:

  • Information in the Matrix can serve only as a useful guide.
  • The funding committees reserve the right to make changes to various aspects of their program in order address changing priorities.
  • Faculty should review the updated guidelines with each call.
  • Faculty should submit their proposal ONLY during the advertised submission window.
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/07/2025