Cody Smith

Cody Smith

Pronouns: she/her

Graduation year: 2005 BA in Psychology, 2006 MAT

Hometown: Ovid, Colorado

Currently living in: Salvador, Brazil

Current occupation: 5th Grade Teacher


What was your experience at CC like in the MAT program?

During my undergraduate years at CC in which I majored in Psychology, I participated in the ED 100 classes which allowed me to get an idea of what working in Colorado Springs public schools was like. My time in the MAT program was challenging and fulfilling. Being a student teacher for the entire school year in an elementary school in District 20 allowed me to see the progression of learning in the classroom throughout the year. I was able to gradually gain more confidence and responsibility as the school year progressed and was able to become the lead teacher in the classroom in the second semester. I still remember some of the assignments I completed in the Master's program including the value drawings that we completed in Kris Stanec's Arts in Education class. The assignment challenged me as a student and allowed me to think about the perspective of my future students more deeply.


Why were you interested in focusing on Education at CC?

I think I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. My mom was a Special Education teacher for 30 years, so she was always a teaching mentor of mine. I enjoy helping students make connections, challenge themselves, and realize their potential.  


How are you using your MAT degree in your post-CC life?

My CC Education experience and teaching degree have opened up international possibilities for me. So far, I have taught in elementary schools in Mexico, Colorado Springs, and Brazil. Next year, I am on my way to teach 5th grade at an elementary school in Bogota, Colombia. Being an international teacher allows me to do the job I enjoy while at the same time traveling to beautiful places, experiencing new cultures, challenging myself to learn new languages, and building friendships with people around the world.

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/17/2023