Responding to Smoke and Fire
- If you smell smoke and do not see fire, immediately call Campus Safety 719-389-6707 so they can investigate further.
- If a minor fire appears controllable, immediately contact Campus Safety 719-389-6707 and use the fire extinguisher by directing the charge toward the base of the flame.
Remember the acronym PASS:
- Pull the pin at the base of the handle.
- Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire.
- Squeeze and hold the handle (trigger). Be prepared for the noise.
- Sweep the nozzle across the base of the fire.
Fire extinguisher use:
- Personal safety is of the highest priority.
- The building alarm should be activated prior to attempting to fight a fire.
- Never fight a fire unless you or someone else has called 911 (9-911 from an on-campus phone).
- If you doubt your ability to extinguish a fire, evacuate.
- If you need more than one extinguisher to put out the fire, evacuate.
For large fires that appear uncontrollable, immediately contact Campus Safety 719-389-6707, activate the building fire alarm system, close the doors, and evacuate the area using the building emergency protocols.
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Last updated: 12/17/2020