
Assessment: Rubric for Assessing Articulation of How Inequality is Produced (first outcome)

Learning Outcome: Articulate how a form of inequality (with respect to nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, class, or sexuality) is produced





Correct form of inequality selected

Forms of inequality covered in the outcome (e.g., race, gender, etc.) are not addressed in the assignment

The forms of inequality addressed in the assignment are correct (e.g., race, gender, etc.)

Not applicable

Understanding of how inequality is produced

The student does not appear to grasp how inequality is produced

The student grasps how inequality is produced

Student grasps how inequality is produced and generates new insights about its production

Clarity of articulation

The student cannot articulate clearly how inequality is produced

Student can articulate how inequality is produced

Student articulates exceptionally well how inequality is produced

Assessment: Rubric for Assessing Articulation of How Inequality is Reproduced over Time (second outcome)

Learning Outcome: Articulate how a form of inequality (with respect to nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, class, or sexuality) is reproduced over time





Correct form of inequality selected

Forms of inequality covered in the outcome (e.g., race, gender, etc.) are not addressed in the assignment

Forms of inequality addressed in the assignment are correct

Not applicable

Understanding of how inequality is produced

The student does not appear to grasp how inequality is reproduced over time

The student grasps how inequality is reproduced over time

The student grasps how inequality is reproduced and generates one or more new insights about its reproduction

Clarity of articulation of how inequality is produced

The student cannot articulate clearly how inequality is reproduced over time

Student can articulate how inequality is reproduced over time

Student articulates inequality reproduction exceptionally well

Assessment: Rubric for Assessing Articulation of How Inequality is Experienced by Those in Marginalized or Subjugated Population (third outcome)

Learning Outcome: Articulate how a form of inequality (with respect to nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, class, or sexuality) is experienced by those in the marginalized or subjugated population





Correct form of inequality selected

Forms of inequality covered in the outcome (e.g., race, gender, etc.) are not addressed in the assignment

Forms of inequality addressed in the assignment are correct

Not applicable

Understanding of how inequality is produced

The student does not appear to grasp how inequality is experienced by those in the marginalized population

The student grasps how inequality is experienced by those in the marginalized population

The student grasps this experience and generates one or more new insights about it

Clarity of articulation of how inequality is produced

The student cannot articulate clearly how inequality is experienced by those in the marginalized population

Student can articulate how inequality is experienced by those in the marginalized population

Student articulates exceptionally well how inequality is experienced by those in the marginalized population

Assessment: Rubric for Assessing Articulation of How Inequality is Resisted by Those in Marginalized or Subjugated Population (fourth outcome)

Learning Outcome: Articulate how a form of inequality (with respect to nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, class, or sexuality) is resisted by those in the marginalized or subjugated population





Correct form of inequality selected

Forms of inequality covered in the outcome (e.g., race, gender, etc.) are not addressed in the assignment

Forms of inequality addressed in the assignment are correct

Not applicable

Understanding of how inequality is produced

The student does not appear to grasp how inequality is resisted by those in the marginalized population

The student grasps how inequality is resisted by those in the marginalized population

The student grasps the resistance and generates one or more new insights about it

Clarity of articulation of how inequality is produced

The student cannot articulate clearly how inequality is resisted by those in the marginalized population

Student can articulate how inequality is resisted by those in the marginalized population

Student articulates exceptionally well how inequality is resisted by those in the marginalized population

Assessment: Rubric for Assessing Description of One Type of Process that Shaped the Emergence of a Marginalized or Subjugated Population (fifth outcome)

Learning Outcome: Describe one type of process (social, political, economic, cultural, psychological, or historical) that shaped the emergence of a marginalized or subjugated population





Correct type of process selected

Processes covered in the outcome (e.g., social, economic, etc.) are not addressed in the assignment

Processes addressed in the assignment are correct

Not applicable

Understanding of how process has shaped emergence of population

The student does not appear to grasp how the process in question shaped the emergence of the population in question

The student grasps how the process in question shaped the emergence of the population in question

The student grasps how the process shaped the population's emergence and generates one or more new insights about it

Clarity of description of how process has shaped emergence of population

The student cannot describe clearly how the process in question shaped the emergence of the population in question

Student can describe how the process in question shaped the emergence of the population in question

Student describes exceptionally well how the process in question shaped the emergence of the population in question

Assessment: Rubric for Assessing Description of One Type of Process that Has Shaped the Current Status of a Marginalized or Subjugated Population (sixth outcome)

Learning Outcome: Describe one type of process (social, political, economic, cultural, psychological, or historical) that has shaped the current status of a marginalized or subjugated population





Correct type of process selected

Processes covered in the outcome (e.g., social, economic, etc.) are not addressed in the assignment

Processes addressed in the assignment are correct

Not applicable

Understanding of how process has shaped current status of population

The student does not appear to grasp how the process in question has shaped the current status of the population in question

The student grasps how the process in question has shaped the current status of the population in question

The student grasps how the process has shaped the population's current status and generates one or more new insights about it

Clarity of description of how process has shaped population's current status

The student cannot describe clearly how the process in question has shaped the current status of the population in question

Student can describe how the process in question has shaped the current status of the population in question

Student describes exceptionally well how the process in question has shaped the current status of the population in question

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020