CC Facts

CC Facts is a resource which provides commonly requested data on the institution in an interactive dashboard format. This allows users to easily browse available data using dropdown menus to customize the view. Each section includes sub-categories related to the topic listed under the descriptions of the headings below. New data is posted throughout the academic year as it becomes available. To view data in each dashboard below, simply click on the linked text.

In addition to the sections listed below, this page also connects you to the following information:


  • Applying, admitted, and enrolled fall first-year and transfer student headcounts by gender and race/ethnic group
  • Home region of applying, admitted and enrolled fall first-year and transfer students
  • First-year admit and yield rates by academic year
  • Standardized test scores (25th and 75th percentile) of entering fall first-year students by year

Cost of Attendance

  • Typical cost of attendance (tuition, fee, room, board, books and supplies, personal and travel expenses) by year
  • Percent change in comprehensive fee (tuition, fees, average room and board) by year
  • Percent change in charges by year

Financial Aid

  • Percent of first-time, first-year students by type of aid received by year
  • Average need-based aid awards as a percent of cost of attendance by year
  • Tuition discount rate by year
  • Average net price of attendance for first-time, first-year undergraduates by year
  • Average grant aid awarded to first-time, first-year students by year

Student Body & Enrollment

  • Enrolled students by gender, ethnic group, enrollment category, and year
  • Home region of enrolled students by year

Off-Campus Study

  • Off-campus study participation by gender, race/ethnic group, and year
  • Off-campus study by gender, race/ethnic group, and class year
  • Count of students studying off-campus by country of study and year
  • Student off-campus study by duration and year


  • Average GPA of enrolled undergraduates as of fall census date, by class
  • Average class size by year
  • Half-block course enrollment headcounts by division and year
  • Student to faculty ratio by year
  • Count of top majors at graduation by year
  • Student headcounts of all majors at graduation by year

Undergraduate Graduation & Retention

  • First-to-second-year retention by gender, race/ethnic group, and entering class
  • Four, five, and six-year graduation rates by gender, race/ethnic group, and entering class
  • Degrees granted by major, gender, and race/ethnic group

Posgraduate Pursuits, Five-Years Out

  • Degrees completed by graduating class and degree type
  • Reported fields of employment by graduating class
  • Reported involvement in startup companies by graduating class
  • Reported volunteer activity by graduating class
  • Other reported endeavors of respondents by graduating class


  • Headcount of regular faculty by rank, gender, race/ethnic category, and year
  • Headcount of full-time visiting faculty by gender, race/ethnic category, and year
  • Distribution of faculty lines by division, rank, and year
  • Average faculty salaries for full-time tenure and tenure-track faculty by year


  • Staff headcounts by occupational group, gender and race/ethnic group and year
  • Staff distribution by division and year
  • Staff departments by division, department and year
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/31/2025