Communities Overview
Communities Overview
Shove Chapel and the Chaplain's Office at Colorado College host a diversity of religious and spiritual communities. The Chaplain's Office seeks to support students of all religious, spiritual, and seeking backgrounds. Some communities may not appear on our website. If you don't see what you're looking for, contact and we will help you make a connection. Our communities are open to all students.
Bahá'í Community
Contact the for more information.
Bodhi Mind Center
Offers traditional Buddhist teachings to enrich contemporary life. Group meditation every Tuesday and Thursday, 6pm-8pm. Please contact Bodhi Mind Center or Professor David Gardiner for more information.
Catholic Community
Seeks to help students nurture their faith through regular dinners, events, retreats, social, service opportunities, and weekly Mass at 8pm in Shove Chapel. For more information, please contact student leader, Sangwa Ikuzwe
Christian Science Organization
Gathers periodically for a meal and scripture study. The group encourages students to discover how the true nature of each individual is spiritual, as a child of God, and how God's infinite goodness, realized through prayer, heals. Contact Peter Husak '87 for more information.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The Latter Day Saint Community is small but active at CC. Most activities happen off campus at the Jamboree building (8295 Jamboree Circle, directly across the street from the Chapel Hills Mall). Church every Sunday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information contact Jake Sorensen.
CRU (Christian)
Cru is a caring community that is passionate about connecting students with each other and with Jesus Christ. We are creating a safe space for friendship, support, and identity development and for students to both explore and grow in the Christian faith. Join us for weekly Bible studies, gatherings with other students in Colorado Springs, retreats, and more! Contact student leaders Kevin Peraza or Esther Ineza, or advisors Sarah Rosso and Randy Rosso to lean more.
An inclusive Jewish community that gathers for Shabbat, holidays, study and community building. Kosher-style Shabbat dinners every Friday of the block at 6:30 in the Interfaith Spiritual Life House. Information about holidays and rides to Temple is available from the Coordinators of Jewish Life, Ruthie Markwardt and Barak Ben-Amots
Hindu Student Association
Throughout the academic year, the Hindu Student Association gathers for pujas, study, occasional retreats, and community. In partnership with SASA (South Asian Student Association) there are celebrations for Diwali and Holi among others holidays on campus. There are also periodic opportunities to connect with the local Colorado Springs and Denver Hindu Community. The HSA provides a welcoming and inclusive space for all Hindu students on campus, however you may choose to be engaged. Contact to learn more.
Indigenous Spirituality Circle
An intentional space for Indigenous and Native American students to explore the intersections of spirituality and identity through conversation and community. Contact Elder-in-Residence Debbie Howell for more information.
Interfaith and Spirituality Council
Student representatives of spiritual and religious organizations and practice groups meet blockly to discuss issues of spiritual and religious life on campus, foster cooperative programs, explore interfaith engagement, and build community and mutual support. Contact for more information.
Lakota/Dakota Spirituality
Promotes the Seven Lakota/Dakota Life Values of respect, honesty, humility, courage, compassion, sacrifice, and wisdom. Participants are invited to share in discussions and activities that promote students "Walking in Balance" through the teachings of the Medicine Wheel; mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. For more information please contact Debbie Howell, Elder-in-Residence. Access to the Smudging & Pipe Ceremonies policy can be found here.
Muslim Student Association
Supports Muslim students on campus through Juma prayer, community gatherings, meals, and holiday celebrations. For the Muslim Student Association, contact Amira Graoui For questions about meeting dietary needs, spiritual and religious support, and Muslim Student Life at CC contact Chaplain Kate Holbrook for more information.
Pax Christian Collective
The Pax Christian Collective is a progressive Christian movement that seeks to provide safe and queer-affirming spaces for BIPOC students on campus. The collective is committed to fostering an environment that welcomes intentional discussion, whilst weaving in themes of intersectionality, social justice, and spirituality. Pax aims to revolutionize Christian thought through the lens of activism, in hopes of pushing for a more just world. Contact for more information.
Qi Gong
An ancient Chinese practice to cultivate energy through sound, visualization, and movement and foster healing. Qigong happens regularly on campus through the Chaplain’s Office, Springs Chi Community meets online Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. Contact Chaplain Kate Holbrook for more information.
Rainbow Labyrinth
A Queer spirituality group and community exploring the intersections of spirituality, sexuality and queer identity in spiritually pluralistic ways. For more information contact
Revolution Ministries (Christian)
Is dedicated to assisting students in developing a vibrant faith alongside of others as we engage meaningful friendships, experience deep spirituality and express our faith by serving those around us. We are an Evangelical ministry in the Baptist tradition but everyone is welcome. This year will be focused on exploring different spiritual practices and developing authentic community. For more information, please contact Rev. Chris Nason or call him at 719 314-5239.
Shove Council
An informal student discussion group with conversations covering a broad range of topics around spirituality and life. Open to all. Meets Wednesdays at noon in Sacred Grounds. Contact Spiral Fellows Maddox Rochman-Romdalvik, Sara Mai, Camila Espinosa-Short Annabelle Swenson or the Chaplain's Office to find out more.
Society of Friends (Quakers)
Contact the Chaplain's Office for more information.
Student Meditation Group
Is a student-led, silentmeditation group that meets weekly for meditation, periodic Buddhist learning and community events. Contact Ezra Grinker or to learn more.
Unitarian Universalists
An open and affirming spiritual community that meets to explore community, diverse spirituality, spirituality and justice, Unitarian Universalism, and so much more. Contact for more information.
Zen Buddhism, Springs Mountain Sangha
Meet for discussion on Zoom at 5:15 p.m. and then silent meditation and chanting on Mondays at 6pm in Shove Chapel. All are welcome; no previous experience is required. Visit or email Roshi Sarah Bender for more information and Zoom links.
Looking for somwthing you don't see? Please let us know so we can support you. Contact