International Relations

  • PS 209 -- Introduction to International Relations 
  • PS 225 -- Conduct of American Foreign Policy (24-25 PS 340)
  • PS 309 -- Origins of the Modern State System
  • PS 312 -- Balkan Politics (Counts as either IR or CP) (Societies and Human Behavior) 
  • PS 323 -- Subnational Climate Governance  
  • PS 333 -- The European Union (HP) 
  • PS 340 -- Conduct of American Foreign Policy
  • PS 342 -- Intervention, the Drug War, and Human Migration (Critical Perspective:S)(Equity & Power Global)
  • PS 356 -- Global Environmental Policy
  • PS 375 -- Introduction to International Political Economy (Equity & Power Global)
  • PS 410 -- Tutorial in International Relations


The following are recent Topics courses (listed as PS 203 or PS 307) that also fulfill the International Relations subfield:

PS 203 Topics Courses

  • Conduct of Russian Foreign Policy
  • China and the World
  • The "Other" Strikes Back: Decentering International Relations (Equity and Power Global)
  • Paradoxes of North East Asia 
  • Security, Insecurity and the Expanse (Creative Process)
  • Concepts of Global Justice (Equity and Power Global)
  • Migration and International Relation (Equity and Power Global)
  • Hypocrisy, Injustice, and the Bomb
  • Africa in International Relations

PS 307 Advanced Topics Courses

  • Sovereignty, Secession, and Self Determination  (Equity & Power Global) 
  • International Law (Equity & Power Global)
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