Comparative Politics

  • PS 230 -- Waging Nonviolent Conflict
  • PS 236 -- Introduction to Comparative Politics (Critical Perspective:S)
  • PS 237 -- The Art of Insurgency: Performance and Political Order (Creative Process, Equity & Power Global)
  • PS 248 -- Environmental Politics of Agriculture
  • PS 253 -- Introduction to International Development
  • PS 276 -- Syria in Revolution and War (Creative Process)
  • PS 301 -- Europe and its Governments
  • PS 305 -- Marxist Political Economy and the Crisis of Capitalism
  • PS 306 -- Democracy and Markets (Equity & Power Global)
  • PS 308 -- Comparative Politics: Russia
  • PS 312 -- Balkan Politics (Counts as either IR or CP)(SHB) 
  • PS 327 -- Modern China
  • PS 331 -- Comparative Politics: China (Critical Perspective:S)
  • PS 332 -- Comparative Law (Analysis and Interpretation of Meaning)
  • PS 333 -- Building the European Union (Counts as either IR or CP)
  • PS 335 -- Comparative Politics: Latin America (Critical Perspective:S)(Equity & Power Global)
  • PS 336 -- The Cuban Revolution (Critical Perspective:S)
  • PS 337 -- Power and Everyday Life (Critical Perspective:G)
  • PS 338 -- Language and Power
  • PS 339 -- The Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • PS 355 -- Authoritarianism
  • PS 412 -- Tutorial in Comparative Politics


The following are recent Topics courses (listed as PS 203 or PS 307) that also fulfill the Comparative Politics subfield:

PS 203 Topics Courses

  • Governance in China
  • Iran
  • Asian Political Economy
  • Authoritarianism and Democracy in North Africa
  • Democratization: Its Theories and Practices
  • The Grand Coalition State: Intro to Politics in Germany and the EU
  • Reading Marx in the Time of COVID-19
  • US-Russia Relations Since the Cold War
  • German Politics in the "Superwahljahr"
  • The Arab Left
  • Power, Populism and the Pandemic
  • Politics, Film and Culture 
  • Defending Democracy: Advanced Strategies and Tactics
  • Interpretivism and Interpretive Methods
  • Democratization
  • Racism, Dispossession and the Global Economy
  • Politics of Contemporary China
  • Spatial Data Analysis

PS 307 Advanced Topics Courses

  • Populism 
  • Islam and Politics
  • Political Power and Urban Space
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