College Choir
Director: Deborah Teske
Packard 136
(719) 227-8129
The Colorado College Choir, under the direction of Deborah Teske, is a 100-voice choir composed of students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. The Choir studies and performs works from the choral/orchestral literature, providing an opportunity for singers, regardless of background and training, to sing with a professional orchestra and to engage in shared music making with the broader CC and Colorado Springs Community. Everyone is welcome to join. There is no audition!
The choir presents one major concert each year, in the Fall semester, with orchestra in Shove Chapel.
Rehearsals are Mondays 4:00-5:30 pm. During concert week, additional rehearsals with orchestra are called from 7:30-10:00 p.m.
Choir schedule for Fall 2024:
Membership for Fall 2024 is now closed.
Hear the CC Choir
The CC Choir and Chamber Chorus perform their Fall 2023 concert in Shove Chapel on December 1st. View the program.