Sophie Germain Award


Germain.jpeg In 2010, John Watkins, who retired from the department, suggested an award named after Sophie Germain, a French mathematician who overcame hurdles and prejudice of the time to study mathematics and become celebrated for her work in the field. With a contribution from Watkins to fund the prize, the department established the Sophie Germain award for exemplary passion and extraordinary performance in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. A plaque listing the following award winners hangs in the department lounge area.
2024 Jingyi Liu, Dani Santillan
2023 Olivia Bouthot, Davidson Cheng
2022 Lilly Davis, Alayna Mann
2021 Jerrell Cockerham, Makayla McDevitt
2020 Edgar Santos Vega
2019 Sophie Aiken, Malcolm Gabbard
2018 Hanbo Shao
2017 Nate Mankovich
2016 Melissa Jay
2015 Katy Martinez, Joe Howard
2014 Ravi Donepudi, Hanson Smith
2013 Kaila Ryan
2012 Rebecca Mitchell
2011 Sarah Goldstein
2010 Marina Gresham


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