Memorial Gifts

Memorial Gifts

A gift made to honor or remember a loved one can be used to meet areas of greatest need, or can be designated to a specific area of the college.

If you wish to notify the honoree or his or her family of your gift, please provide contact information when you make your gift. The amount of the gift is not disclosed.

Gifts may be made online, by phone at (800) 782-6306, option 1, or by mail:
Office for Advancement
Colorado College
P.O. Box 1117
Colorado Springs, CO 80901-9897

When giving by mail, please let us know the person's full name and whether the gift is in memory of or in honor of.

When giving online, complete the "In Memoriam/In Honor of" section of the giving form. Where prompted, choose your tribute type (in memory of or in honor of) and the person's full name.

Additional information and services:
If you'd like to include Colorado College in an obituary announcement, we recommend the following verbiage that can be personalized to your needs:

Memorial contributions may be made to Colorado College. Please direct your gift to [fund] in memory of [name]. Gifts may be made online at, by phone at (800) 782-6306, option 1, or by mail: Office for Advancement, Colorado College, P.O. Box 1117, Colorado Springs, CO 80901-9897.

For information on how to start a memorial gift fund, contact Ty Nagamatsu at (719) 389-6828 or by email.

For other honorary or memorial gift questions, contact Kathleen Bauer at (719) 389-6354.

The Milestones section informs Bulletin readers about weddings and celebrations; births and adoptions; and deaths of alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the college. Information submitted should be for current or previous year only. Submit to: or Bulletin/Communications, Colorado College, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3294. For information, call (719) 389-6603.

Report an issue - Last updated: 11/08/2023