Past Conferences

Our team has a proud tradition of attending prestigious MUN conferences and earning recognition for our delegates' hard work and skills. This February (2025), we won the "Best Large Delegation" award at the CSMUN I Conference, with delegates winning "Outstanding Delegate" and "Best Delegate" individual awards. In 2024, we won the coveted "Best Small Delegation" award at the inaugural John Hopkins MUN Conference and in 2021 we won the "Outstanding Small Delegation" award at the Santa Barbara MUN Conference. Additionally, in recent years, individual members of our team have won awards including "Best Delegate", "Diplomatic Commendation", "Verbal Commendation", "Research Award", and "Outstanding Delegate". This page highlights some of the exciting conferences we've participated in and the awards we've achieved along the way. From engaging in heated debates to drafting impactful resolutions, our team members continue to excel on the global stage. 

UCCS & Air Force Conference February '25


CC Model UN attended the inaugural University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) and Air Force joint CSMUN I collegiate conference, held on February 8th, 2025 at the UCCS Campus. Committee topics included UNICEF: Protecting Children in Armed Conflict, UNESCO, Crisis in Munich, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Kathrin Bürger, Britt Nerad, Konoha Tomono-Duval, Dana Mulco, Iona Hitz, Yurri Hrytsak, and Mason Opfer. 

Awards: “Best Delegate” - Kathrin Bürger ‘27 in UNICEF: Protecting Children in Armed Conflict, “Honorable Delegate” - Yurri Hrytsak ‘27 in Munich Crisis Committee,“Oustanding Delegate” - Iona Hitz ‘28 in UNESCO, and “Best Large Delegation” - CC Model UN Team.

UMiami Conference November '24


CC Model UN attended the second annual session of the 305MUN collegiate conference, held from Friday, November 15 to Sunday, November 17, 2024 at the University of Miami’s Coral Gables Campus. Committee topics included the World Health Organization, the Coalition for Freedom & Justice, the International Air Transport Association, the Marineford War, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Kathrin Bürger, Britt Nerad, Louise Dellarco, Nam Ninh, Konoha Tomono-Duval, Arez Khidr, Will Anderson, Konnie Sarswat, Jacob Aldrich, Dana Mulco, and Iona Hitz. Follow their journeys here with "CC Model UN Goes to Miami", a docu-series filmed and edited by Zoey Roueche. 

John Hopkins Conference April '24


CC Model UN attended the inaugural session of the HOPMUNC collegiate conference, held in early April, 2024 at the John Hopkins, Hopkins Bloomberg Campus in Washington, DC. Committee topics included the World Health Organization, the Convention on the Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the Congregation on Cybersecurity, Ad-Hoc, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Zoey Roueche, Beatrice Roussell, Kathrin Bürger, Britt Nerad, Louise Dellarco, Toby Shapiro, Yurri Hrytsak, and Arez Khidr. Follow their journeys with Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of “CC at Model UN”, a series of articles written about the trip by Zeke Lloyd.

Awards: “Best Delegate” - Zoey Roueche ‘24 in Ad-Hoc, “Diplomatic Commendation” - Yurri Hrytsak ‘27 in the Convention on the Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, and “Best Small Delegation” - CC Model UN Travel Team.

 CC MUN Travel Team explores Washington, DC ahead of John Hopkins MUN Conference.

UC Santa Barbara Conference November '23


CC Model UN attended the SBIMUN collegiate conference, held in early November, 2023 at the University of California Santa Barbara campus in Santa Barbara, CA. Committee topics included Hamilton: The Room Where It Happens, the Office for Outer Space Affairs, the Chinese Communist Revolution, Ad-Hoc, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Zoey Roueche, Beatrice Roussell, Will Anderson, Kathrin Bürger, Konoha Tomono-Duval, Havalin Haskell, Louise Dellarco, Toby Shapiro, Yurri Hrytsak, and Arez Khidr. 

Awards: “Verbal Commendation” - Zoey Roueche ‘24 in Ad-Hoc

University of Virginia Conference March '23


CC Model UN attended the Virginia International Crisis Simulation (VICS) collegiate conference, held in late March, 2023 at the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, VA. Committee topics included UNOOSA, the 2008 Financial Crisis, House of Dragon, Ad-Hoc, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Zoey Roueche, Beatrice Roussell, Zoraiz Zafar, Emmie Weprin, Nam Ninh, Saigopal Rangaraj, Konoha Tomono-Duval, Zeke Lloyd, Havalin Haskell, Louise Dellarco, Alicia Chavez, and Ryan Wyly. The trip was chaperoned by Alumni and former Secretary General, James Hanafee '22.

UC Santa Barbara Conference November '22


CC Model UN attended the SBIMUN collegiate conference, held in early November, 2022 at the University of California Santa Barbara campus in Santa Barbara, CA. Committee topics included UN Habitat, the International Court of Justice, Star Trek, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ad-Hoc, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Zoey Roueche, Beatrice Roussell, Zoraiz Zafar, Emmie Weprin, Nam Ninh, Saigopal Rangaraj, Britt Nerad, Konoha Tomono-Duval, Tahamina Pritty, Zeke Lloyd, Havalin Haskell, and Jacob Tow. 

Awards: “Verbal Commendation” - Zeke Lloyd ‘24 in Pirates of the Caribbean.

UC Los Angeles Conference April '22


CC Model UN attended the LAMUN collegiate conference, held in late April, 2022 at the University of California Los Angeles campus in Los Angeles, CA. Committee topics included UN Women, the MLM Summit, Special Political and Decolonization (SPECPOL), the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Press Corps, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Zoey Roueche, Grace Rosner, James Hanafee, Kylie Haney, Zoraiz Zafar, Beatrice Roussell, Zack Weiss, Nick Cleveland-Stout, Emmie Weprin, Nam Ninh, Mustafa Sameen, and Zeke Lloyd.

Awards: “Verbal Commendation” - Nam Ninh ‘25 in the MLM Summit and "Honorable Mention" - Nick Cleveland-Stout '22 in the MLM Summit.

UC Santa Barbara Conference November '21


CC Model UN attended the SBIMUN collegiate conference, held in early November, 2021 at the University of California Santa Barbara campus in Santa Barbara, CA. Committee topics included UN Sustainable Development, the UN Refugee Agency, the 2024 Presidential Election Democrats vs. Republicans, Lord of the Rings, and more! The delegates in attendance at this conference were Jacob Tow, Zoey Roueche, Grace Rosner, James Hanafee, Zoraiz Zafar, Beatrice Roussell, Zack Weiss, Nick Cleveland-Stout, Emmie Weprin, Nam Ninh, and Konoha Tomono-Duval.

Awards: “Outstanding Delegate” - James Hanafee ‘22 in the 2024 Presidential Election Democrats, "Honorable Mention" - Nick Cleveland-Stout '22 in UN Sustainable Development, "Research Award" - Zoey Roueche '24 in UN Sustainable Development, and “Outstanding Small Delegation” - CC Model UN Travel Team.

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/10/2025