The Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee

The compensation committee is a recommending body which meets blockly to discuss issues of compensation on behalf of the employees of Colorado College. Each year, the committee provides official recommendations to the college's budget committee regarding salary adjustments for both staff and faculty. The committee may also recommend changes to employee benefits.

The compensation committee typically meets once per block throughout the school year, and adjourns over the summer months. Depending on the issues we are examining, subcommittees may form and have their own meetings outside the regular meetings of the full committee. There's also typically a split in which faculty and staff meet separately to draft their respective salary proposals. The full proposals are then shared with the whole group, and presented at a full faculty meeting for approval (in the case of faculty), and sent to Human Resources (in the case of staff).

Read Colorado College's compensation philosophy

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/30/2024

The compensation committee comprised of four faculty members and six staff members (three exempt and three nonexempt). 


Shane Burns

Jane McDougall (cochair)

Carrie Ruiz 

Michelan Wilson


AliciaRose Martinez

Patty O'Halloran

Erica Shafer

Thecla Shubert (cochair)

Sam Soren 

Mandy Sulfrian