Become a QRC Tutor


Overall Requirements

  • Content expertise in one or more disciplines among mathematics, the sciences, or economics,
  • Ability and willingness to take on QRC roles as individual tutor, Learning Assistant, and workshop or review session leader, 
  • Collaboration and communication within disciplinary teams, and 
  • Ability to listen and support learning of Colorado College students in quantitative dimensions of their courses.

Next Round of QRC Hiring Begins in the Winter 

  • The application process includes 3 parts:
    • upload resume to Handshake
    • complete general Handshake application
    • complete QRC-specific questions through link in handshake application
  • Applications due 11:55 PM on the Sunday before Block 5.
  • Student interviews and tutor selection takes place in Block 5.
  • Tutor training and QRC orientation begins in Block 6.

Some Details

1. Accomplished math, economics, and science students are encouraged to inquire about supporting learning at CC through the QRC. The QRC maintains a staff of about 60 peer tutors during the academic year.

2. After submitting applications, select students will be invited for an interview. Those offered a position will then complete a paid QRC orientation.     

3. QRC tutors are hired according to Colorado College's needs for a range of expertise in the QRC. While tutors may be hired during the year, most of the tutors will be hired in Block 6.

4. Students must have I-9 & W-4 forms on record with the Student Employment office. If students have held previous jobs on campus, their paperwork should be in place. For peer tutors serving as Learning Assistants, they will record and submit the names of students with whom they have worked during the block.

5. For more information, contact the Director of the QRC by phone (719-227-8289), email (, or visiting the QRC in Tutt Library.


Report an issue - Last updated: 11/28/2023

Steve Getty, Ph.D.
Director, Quantitative Reasoning Center

Office 226 Tutt library

The Colorado College
14 E. Cache La Poudre
Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3294