Partner Programs

Japanese Programs

Japan Study at Wasada

Students study at Waseda University's International Division in Tokyo after a brief orientation providing intensive language practice and cultural discussions. In addition to required language study, electives may be chosen from a wide range of Asian studies courses taught in English. A family-living experience in Tokyo provides an informal education in Japanese culture and is in many ways the dominant feature of the program, offering total immersion in the Japanese way of life. The program is recommended for a full year of study, although a semester option is also available. Administered by Earlham College, the Japan study is recognized by both ACM and GLCA.

Length of Program: Mid- September to late July (academic year) OR mid-September to early February (fall semester).
Eligibility: Sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA. No Japanese language study is required for acceptance, but at least 1 unit of CET Shanghai
Credit: Up to 8 units.
Campus Advisor: Francesca Pizarro

Kansai Gaidai University in Japan

The Kansai Gaidai, located between Osaka and Kyoto, is a university specializing in international education. Colorado College students may apply to join several hundred other Americans to study the Japanese language and courses in economics, political science, history, religion, and art of the region taught in English. Students apply for either the fall or spring semester, but fall students may apply to extend their stay through the spring. Prior Japanese language training is not required for the fall but is strongly recommended since most students will reside in Japanese homes.

Length of the program: Blocks 14 and 58.
Credits: to be determined.
Campus Advisor: Francesca Pizarro

Chinese Programs

Chinese Language and Chinese Studies in Beijing

Colorado College students have the opportunity to participate in two semester-long programs in Beijing, one focusing on the Chinese language and the other on Chinese area studies. The programs are offered during both the fall and spring semesters and are administered by CET Academic Programs. Students on the Beijing Chinese Languages program take one intensive course that focuses on reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Supplementary language tutorials and one-on-two drills are also provided.

Students at the advanced intermediate language level and above also choose elective classes such as newspaper, business, or literature to add further scope to their language learning. All students in the Chinese language program, including beginners, uphold a full-time language pledge.

The Beijing Chinese Studies program is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of Chinese culture, history, and issues of contemporary significance. Students in this program will enroll in one Chinese language course plus two to three area studies courses taught in English. It is recommended that all students enroll in the 21st Century Beijing course, which is designed to provide an overview of issues of critical importance in contemporary China.

Length of program: Semester.
Eligibility: Second-semester sophomore standing.
Credit: To be determined.
Application Deadline: April 15 for fall and October 15 for spring.
Campus adviser: Hong Jiang.

CET Academic Programs - Beijing Chinese Language

CET Shanghai Study Abroad

For further questions please contact Heather Powell Browne, Assistant Director of Global Education,, 719-389-6918.

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/08/2024