Visiting Teams
Our Campus Recreation staff welcomes visiting teams to Colorado College for your upcoming Club Sport event! The following resources are provided to ensure your team has a safe and enjoyable visit. Please contact the Director of Campus Recreation & Fitness Center or the Campus Recreation Athletic Trainer for any questions prior to or during your stay.
All visiting teams are required to complete an Assumption of Risk & Liability Form prior to participating in any event or activity on Colorado College's Campus. The form can be printed and submitted to the Home team Club Sport Captains upon arrival.
The Campus Recreation Athletic Trainer is present for all Club Sport home events occurring on Colorado College campus.
Taping will be provided for all injuries occurring during the game. Visiting teams should bring their own athletic tape and supplies for any preventative taping requests (ex. Ankle tape, KT tape, wraps, etc.).
Due to separate location of Athletic Training Facility and competition fields, pre-competition treatments are not available. Modalities including moist heat packs, E-STIM, Ultrasound, and other equipment are not available for use prior to game. If visiting team players require pre-competition treatment, notification from the visiting team’s Athletic Trainer/healthcare provider should be provided including specific details and parameters of treatment. A letter to the Campus Recreation Athletic Trainer can be emailed to no later than 24 hours prior to competition.
Water, injury ice, and injury bags will be available for all visiting teams.
The following site-specific letters will provide details including important contacts, parking, and facility policies: