Campus Accessibility Guide
Colorado College has prepared this accessibility guide to provide you with information about accessibility features on our campus. The online campus map provides additional information regarding accessible routes, entrances, and parking.
Colorado College is committed to monitoring and improving program access on campus. While every attempt has been made to ensure accurate information, ongoing construction and improvements may change accessibility features. If you discover errors or have questions regarding accessibility of the campus, please contact either of the offices listed below:
- Accessibility Resources
719-227-8285 - Facilities Services
Building Access Information
Entrances: All public entrances are listed with accessible entrances noted
Elevator: Information regarding elevators is listed for buildings with more than one floor/level
Restrooms:Accessible - Restroom generally conforms to accessibility standards
Partially accessible - Restroom generally ambulatory only; accessibility varies from restroom to restroom
Water Fountains: If available, accessible water fountains are listed
ALDs: Venue has permanently installed assistive listening devices; ALDs are provided upon request for other venues
PAD: Power-assisted door
Note: Additional information regarding the building will be noted, including assembly areas
Academic & Administrative Buildings
1025 N. Nevada Ave.
Interfaith House
Entrances: Accessible entrance north side
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on main floor
219 E. Uintah
Entrances: East side via ramp
Restrooms: Accessible all-gender on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Ahlberg Outdoor Education Center & Annex
“Gear House”
Entrances: Accessible entrance via ramp and stairs on west side
Elevator: None
Restrooms: No public restrooms
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on main level
Annual Giving and DIALogue Center
Entrances: North side via ramp and south side via stairs
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor; one on second floor
Armstrong Hall
Armstrong Great Hall; Kathryn Mohrman Theatre; Max Kade Theatre; Departments: Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian Studies; English; French; Philosophy; Religion; Spanish and Portuguese Offices: Dean of the College; Dean of the Faculty; Dean of Students; Accessibility Resources; Center for Global Education & Field Study; Information Technology; Registrar; Student Life; Summer Session
Entrances: North, east, south, west sides via stairs; accessible entrance with PAD via ramp on northeast corner
Elevator: Service elevator on east side of building to all floors; elevator on west side of building to basement, first, and second floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on the east end of the basement floor
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on west end of first floor; two accessible on the west end of the second floor
Water Fountains: All floors
ALDs: Kathryn Mohrman Theatre, Max Kade Theatre
Note: Kathryn Mohrman Theatre located on first floor with accessible seating in the back row of the northwest and center sections, as well in the front row on the mezzanine level; Max Kade Theater on third floor with accessible seating in the front row; Keck Humanities (computer) Lab on third floor
Barnes Science Center
Phipps Observatory; Departments: Anthropology; Chemistry & Biochemistry; Physics
Entrances: South, east and west sides via stairs; accessible entrance with PAD via ramp to link between Barnes and Olin
Elevator: To all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on second floor
Boettcher Center
Office: Campus Safety, Parking, CSPD Resource Officer
Entrances: Accessible entrance with PAD on south side via ramp to main entry
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Note: Satellite office located in Worner Campus Center, Room 116
Cheryl Schlessman Bennett Children's Center
Entrances: East side accessible from sidewalk
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Accessible men’s and women’s
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on first floor
Collaborative for Community Engagement
Entrances: East side via stairs; north main entrance via ramp
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor; one not accessible on first floor
Collins House
Offices: Information Technology Administration
Entrances: East side via stairs
All-Gender Restrooms: One not accessible on each level
Competitive Communications House
Office: Speech and Debate
Entrances: South side via ramp
Restrooms: Accessible all-gender on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Cossitt Hall
Cossitt Amphitheatre; Cossitt Lounge; Women's Soccer Facility; Departments: Comparative Literature & Classics; Theatre & Dance
Entrances: Accessible entrance east side via ramp
Elevator: All levels
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on lower level
ALDs: Gym
Creativity & Innovation at CC
Entrances: Partially accessible entrance northeast side; south side via stairs
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor
Cutler Hall
Entrances: East and west sides via stairs; accessible exterior lift on west side to main level
Elevator: Elevator to second floor
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor
Cutler Publications
Entrances: East side; accessible entrance via ramp from the west side
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Accessible main level
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on main level
Note: Catalyst Student Newspaper
Dern House
Department: Hulbert Center for Southwest Studies
Entrances: Accessible entrance on northeast side via ramp (ring bell to have door unlocked); west side entrance via stairs
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Note: Southwest Studies
Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center
Richard F. Celeste Theatre; Cornerstone Screening Room; Schlessman Main Space; Departments: Film & Media Studies; Theatre & Dance
Entrances: Northwest and east at main space level; southwest at Richard F. Celeste Theater on mezzanine level
Elevator: North and south
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on all levels
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on first floor; one accessible on north end of the second floor; two accessible in second floor Dressing Room A/B
Water Fountains: All levels
ALDs: South Theatre, Screening Room, Black Box
Note: I.D.E.A. Space, Studio A, and Screening Room accessible from main space; Richard F. Celeste Theater access from mezzanine level; ticket booth at northwest entry; accessible seating in Richard F. Celeste Theater via mezzanine level and in Screening Room (other spaces do not have fixed seating)
Gill House
Department: Education (faculty offices)
Entrances: South side via stairs; accessible entrance via ramp from north to west door
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Accessible all-gender available on first floor of Mierow House
All-Gender Restrooms: One not accessible on first floor
Honnen Arts
Entrances: Accessible entrance on west side; east side entrance with interior stairs
Restrooms: Two accessible on west end
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on west end
Interdisciplinary House (ID House)
Departments: Asian Studies; Feminist & Gender Studies; Race, Ethnicity, & Migration Studies
Entrances: West side via stairs; accessible entrance east side via ramp
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Lloyd E. Worner Campus Center
Arts & Crafts Studios; Benjamin’s Cafe; CC Pantry Exchange; Colorado Coffee; Gaylord Hall; Rastall Café; WES Room; Offices: The Butler Center; Campus Activities; CC Student Government Association; Information Desk; Native American Elder-In-Residence
Entrances: East, north and south sides to main floors; west door of north vestibule accessible to main floors with PAD; west side (dock area) to lower level with PAD
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Men's and women's on main level with ambulatory stalls
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on second floor
Water Fountains: All floors
ALDs: Gaylord Hall, WES room
Note: Coburn Gallery, Rastall Dining Hall, Benjamin’s Café, and Colorado Coffee on first floor
Mierow House
Department: Education
Entrances: Accessible entrance via ramp from north side across porch to south door
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Note: Education Department
Morreale Carriage House
Office: Career Center
Entrances: South side via ramp
Restrooms: Two accessible all-gender
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible all-gender
Morreale House
Offices: Career Center
Entrances: Accessible ramp from east side across porch to accessible entrance on south side with PAD
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Olin Hall/Olin Annex ("Fishbowl")
Departments: Human Biology & Kinesiology; Molecular Biology; Organismal Biology & Ecology
Entrances: East and west entrances via stairs; accessible entrance with PAD via ramp to link between Barnes and Olin
Elevator: Located in Barnes; lift to "Fishbowl" located at southwest stairwell
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on second floor main Olin building; two not accessible in upper "Fishbowl" study area
ALDs: Olin I
Note: Fishbowl - Olin I (main lecture hall) accessible from ground level/north side; accessible seating in Olin I mid level next to accessible entrance
Palmer Hall
Esports Lab; Gates Common Room; Departments: Economics & Business; Geology; History; Political Science; Sociology
Entrances: Accessible entrance with PAD on southwest corner via ramp to basement floor (entrance should be unlocked when building is open; however, call Campus Safety at 719-389-6707 if door is locked); east, south, and west sides via stairs
Elevator: To basement, first and second floors; lift from basement to sub-basement
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on first floor (100 level)
Water Fountains: All floors
ALDs: Gates Common Room
Note: Gates Common Room located on second floor; elevator is not numbered the same as floor signage: elevator is numbered 1 - 3 and floor signage is as follows: two digits for lower level, 100, and 200
Russell T. Tutt Science Center
Tutt Science Lecture Hall; Departments: Environmental Program; Geology; Mathematics & Computer Science; Psychology
Entrances: South side via platform; accessible entrances with PAD east and west sides via ramp
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on second floor, suite 216
Water Fountains: All floors
ALDs: Kresge Lecture Hall
Note: Kresge Lecture Hall located on first floor with accessible seating in the southeast and southwest corners of the back row
Shove Memorial Chapel
The Labyrinth; Sacred Grounds; Offices: Chaplains' Office; Religious & Spiritual Life
Entrances: Main entrance on west side; southeast and northeast accessible entrances with PAD
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on main floor, south wing
ALDs: Chapel
Note: The Chapel office is accessed via stairs. Please ring the bell in the north lobby accessed via the NE ramp for assistance.
Southern Colorado Public Media Center
91.5 KRCC, CC Journalism Institute
Entrances: Accessible entrance on east side
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on second floor
Water Fountains: Second floor
Sperry S. and Ella Graber Packard Hall of Music and Art
Seay Library of Music; Departments: Art; Music
Entrances: Accessible west side, lower level with PAD; accessible entrance from courtyard, west side, upper level with PAD
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on upper and lower levels
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible in east end of the basement; two accessible on east end of the first floor; one accessible on third floor tower
ALDs: Packard Auditorium
Note: Performance Hall located on first floor with accessible seating in the back row; Seay Library located on lower level
Stewart House
1228 Wood Ave.
Entrances: East entrance via stairs (note: temporary ramp available with advance notice)
Restrooms: No accessible restrooms
Student Opportunities & Advising Hub
Entrances: Accessible entrance via ramp on west side
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Accessible main level
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor
Sustainability Office
Entrances: Accessible entrance/ramp on south side; north side into stairwell
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor; one not accessible on second floor
Note: Building has key access
Taylor Hall
Press at Colorado College; Taylor Theatre; Student Theatre Workshop
Entrances: Accessible entrance on north side
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's off of lobby
ALDs: Taylor Theatre
Note: Taylor Theatre and The Press at Colorado College
Tutt Alumni House
Alumni & Family Relations
Entrances: Accessible entrance/ramp on east side; south entrance via stairs
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on east end of first floor
Tutt Library
Inasmuch Foundation Summit Reading Room, Julie Penrose Reading Room, “Open” Terraces; Susie B’s Café; Tiefenthaler Study Lounge; Timothy Fuller Event Space; Offices: Academic Programs: Common Read Program, First Year Programs, Independently Designed Major; Colket Center for Academic Excellence: Office of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education, Quantitative Reasoning Center (QRC), Sophomore Jump, Thesis Writing Specialist, and Ruth Barton Writing Center; Crown Faculty Center; Information Technology: Class of 1967 Tech Sandbox, Helen & Arthur E. Johnson GIS Lab, ITS: Solutions Center, and Ryan Data Viz Lab; Library Services: Circulation & Reserves, College Archives & Special Collections, Interlibrary Loan, Librarian Offices, and Research Desk
Entrances: Ramps to accessible entrances with PAD on north, south, and east sides of building
Elevator: All floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible all-gender on first and fourth floors on north side by elevator
Water Fountains: All levels
William I. Spencer Center
Barbara Yalich Boardroom; Offices: President; Advancement; Communications; Finance & Administration; Financial Aid & Student Employment; Human Resources; Information Technology; Payroll; Purchasing; Student Accounts
Entrances: East side via ramp
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on first, second, third, and fourth floors
Water Fountains: All floors
Note: Financial Aid, Student Accounts and Human Resources located on first floor; President's office, Finance & Administration and ITS on second floor; Advancement and Development on third floor; Communications on fourth floor
Yalich Student Services Center
CC Bookstore; College Mail; Offices: Health & Wellbeing: Student Health Center; Counseling Center & Psychological Services; Campus Advocate; Wellness Resource Center
Entrances: All public entrances are accessible
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Accessible all-gender on all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on all floors
Fine Arts Center
Bemis School of Art
Entrances: Ramp to accessible entrance at 818 Pelham Place (north side of FAC off of W. Cache La Poudre St.)
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center
FAC Museum; FAC Theatre; Deco Lounge
Entrances: South side via ramp and stairs
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men’s and women’s in basement and on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor; two not accessible on mezzanine level
Note: Bemis School of Art accessible entrance west side
Facilities & Building Services
Creekside Facility
Entrances: Accessible south side via ramp
Restrooms: Accessible men’s and women’s
Van Briggle Building
Facilities Services administration; Maintenance shops
Entrances: Accessible entrances south and west sides
Restrooms: Partially accessible on east end
Williams Central Plant
Entrances: East and west entrances/not accessible
Restrooms: No public restrooms
Student Residence Halls & Houses
1006 N. Weber St.
Entrances: South side via stairs; north side via stairs
Elevator: None
Restrooms: None accessible
All-Gender Restrooms: One available on first floor
1010 N. Weber
Entrances: East side via stairs; accessible entrance west side via ramp
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Partially accessible on first floor
1018 N. Weber St.
Entrances: West side via ramp
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor; one not accessible on second floor
222 E. Dale St.
Entrances: North side via ramp
922 N. Weber St.
Entrances: East side via stairs
928 N. Weber St.
Entrances: East side via stairs
Antero Apartments
Entrances: Accessible entrance on northeast side; entrance under arch into stairwell
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on second floor
Arthur House
Entrances: Accessible ramp on southwest corner; east and north sides via stairs
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Bemis Hall
Bemis Great Hall; Offices: Housing & Residential Experience; Student Insurance; Student Life
Entrances: Accessible entrance via ramp on northeast side
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on first floor
ALDs: Bemis Great Hall
Note: Bemis Great Hall and Bemis Lounge located on first floor
Blanca Apartments
Entrances: Accessible entrance south central side; southwest entry into stairwell
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Breton Hall
Entrances: North and south entrances via stairs
Elevator: None
Chiles House
Entrances: Accessible on east side
Clarke House
Entrances: Accessible on south side
Cottage (1032)
Entrances: East and west sides via stairs
Elevator: None
Restrooms: None accessible
Note: Building has 24-hour card access
Cottage (1112)
Entrances: East and west sides via stairs
Cottage (1116)
Entrances: East and west sides via stairs
Cottage (225)
Entrances: East side via stairs
Cottage (228)
Entrances: South side via stairs
Cottage (916)
Entrances: East side via ramp
Edith Gaylord House
Entrances: Accessible entrance via courtyard to south door in north wing; north door in south wing into stairwell
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor in north wing
El Diente Apartments
Entrances: Accessible entrance center of building on north side; northwest entrance into stairwell
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Ellingwood House
Entrances: Accessible on south side
Fleming House
Entrances: Accessible on east side
Goodacre House
Entrances: Accessible on east side
Heckman House
Entrances: Accessible on west side
Hybl Community Center
Entrances: Accessible on northwest and southeast sides
Elevator: To second floor
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible on first floor
Water Fountains: First floor
Jackson House
Entrances: West side via stairs; north side into stairwell
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor
John Lord Knight Apartments
Jerome P. McHugh Commons and Alumni Plaza; Preserve Cafe
Entrances: Accessible entrances on west side near The Preserve and office entrance; east side entrances into stairwells
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on first and second floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Two on first floor
Water Fountains: Near restrooms on first and second floors
ALDs: McHugh Commons
Lennox House
Offices: The Glass House
Entrances: West side via stairs; north side into stairwell; accessible south entrance via ramp
Elevator: Accessible lift with access to garden level and first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: One accessible on first floor; one not accessible on garden level
Loomis Hall
Entrances: Accessible entrance on south side with PAD
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible in lobby; also accessible on ground, first, second, and third floors in north wings
Water Fountains: Near first floor restrooms
Mathias Hall
Local Goods
Entrances: North side from Uintah (no curb cuts); accessible entrance on south side from parking
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on first floor
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible in core, near elevator; also accessible on all floors in west and east wings
Water Fountains: Near first floor men's restroom
McGregor Hall
Entrances: Accessible card access entrance on south side via elevator to basement and first floor; east side via stairs
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's in basement
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor in north wing
Montgomery Hall
Entrances: Accessible card access entrance on west side via exterior lift that stops at west exterior building card entrance
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Note: Residence for female-identifying students
Roberts House
Elevator: Accessible on west side
Salazar House
Entrances: Accessible on east side
South Hall
South Hall Commons
Entrances: Accessible entrance from south side through South Courtyard; accessible entrance to South Commons on north side of west wing; north side from campus quad
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor main lobby and all wings of building
Water Fountains: All floors near elevator
ALDs: South Commons
Note: South Commons located on first floor, west wing
Student Housing (1106)
Entrances: East, west, and south sides via stairs
Student Housing (1120)
Entrances: East side via stairs
Student Housing (1120)
Entrances: East side via stairs
Student Housing (1124)
Entrances: East and west sides via stairs
Student Housing (1144)
Entrances: East side via stairs
Elevator: None
Student Housing (221)
Entrances: North side via stairs
Student Housing (224/226)
Entrances: South side via stairs
Student Housing (816)
Entrances: East and west sides via stairs
Student Housing (918)
Entrances: East side via stairs
Student Housing (930)
Entrances: East side via stairs
Ticknor Hall
Offices: Food Service/ Bon Appetit
Entrances: East side via stairs
Elevator: None
Restrooms: None accessible
Language Houses
Elbert House
West Wing: Italian; East Wing (ELF): Japanese & Chinese
Entrances: Two accessible entrances under bridge connecting east and west wings; two entrances via stairs and paved paths on west and east sides of building
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible in east and west wings on first floor
Haskell House
Entrances: Accessible entrance on west side via ramp; east side via stairs
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Max Kade House
German; Leonard Sutton Study Center
Entrances: Accessible entrance on south side via ramp
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Mullett House
Entrances: Accessible entrance on south side via ramp
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Windom House
Entrances: Accessible entrance on west side; east side via patio
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Sorority & Fraternity Houses
Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority
Entrances: Entrance on north side
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority
Entrances: North side; accessible entrance on west side
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Entrances: South side via stairs; accessible north side entrance via ramp
Elevator: None
All-Gender Restrooms: Partially accessible on first floor
Sigma Chi Fraternity
Entrances: Accessible entrance on north side via ramp; west side via stairs
Elevator: None
Restrooms: Partially accessible men's and women's on first floor
Faculty & Staff Campus Housing
1005 N. Nevada Ave.
Entrances: South side via stairs
Elevator: None
Restrooms: No public restrooms
1210 Wood Ave.
Entrances: East entrance via stairs; accessible entrance/ramp east side
Restrooms: Accessible on first floor
Bates House
Entrances: West side via ramp
Hamlin House
Entrances: North side via parking lot
Elevator: None
Restrooms: None accessible
Residential Life Coordinator Residence
Entrances: East side via stairs
Visiting Faculty Housing (1140)
Entrances: East side via stairs
Elevator: None
Restrooms: No public restrooms
Athletics & Sports Facilities
Ed Robson Arena
Art Studio; Centura Sports Medicine Center; Chapman Community Plaza (multipurpose meeting room & classroom); Rollins-Edmonds Plaza; Tigers Team Store; Offices: Hockey Coaches; Arena Staff; Ticket Offices
Entrances: All public entrances are accessible
Elevator: To all floors
Restrooms: Accessible men's and women's on all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible all-gender on all floors
ALDs: Available upon request
Note: Accessible drop off space on west side of building just south of Cache La Poudre Street
El Pomar Sports Center
Adam F. Press Fitness Center; Auxiliary Gym; Jerry Carle Varsity Strength & Conditioning; Reid Arena; Ritt Kellogg Climbing Gym; Squash & Racquetball Courts; Offices: Athletics
Entrances: Accessible entrance south side via "bridge" from Schlessman Natatorium plaza with PAD; accessible entrance north side with PAD to middle level; accessible entrance northwest corner of building with PAD to lower level; accessible entrance on south side entrance to Schlessman Natatorium (pool) with PAD
Elevator: El Pomar has three elevators: 1) located in Athletics office providing access to floors 2-4; 2) located in Fitness Center providing access to floors 1-3 with key card access; and 3) located in northwest corner of building providing access to floors 1-2
Restrooms: Accessible men’s and women’s on 3rd floor near north entrance to Fitness Center; accessible men’s and women’s on 3rd floor on south side of building
All-Gender Restrooms: In Fitness Center on second floor
ALDs: Reid Gymnasium, Washburn Field
Note: Jerry Carle Strength & Fitness Center, Sports Medicine Center, equipment room, locker rooms, and exit to outdoor fields located on the first floor; floor access to all gyms, strength area, Ritt Kellogg Climbing Gym, squash and racquetball courts, and locker rooms located on second floor; Juan Reid Arena spectator entrance, cardio area, Louis Multipurpose Room, and terrace access located on third floor
Schlessman Natatorium
Entrances: Accessible entrance on south side entrance to Schlessman Natatorium (pool) with PAD
ALDs: Available