Remember the infamous Delano Grape Strike led by Cesar Chavez? What if I told you that it was actually first organized by Filipino farmers in California? What about the Vietnam War and its portrayal in U.S. film and media? Many have probably heard of films such as "Apocalypse Now" and "Casualties of War," but what about films from the perspective of Vietnam refugees and victims? What about the strikes and protests in 1968 that involved Asian-American students and other students of color? In today's American education system, these significant events in Asian-American history, and many more, have been overshadowed for far too long. Many Asian-American students, including me, have significant connections to these events but have never heard of these important moments in our history classes. "Generation Rising," which is the fourth episode of PBS' Asian American film series, brings to light these events and how Asian-Americans have impacted the United States to this day. I would recommend this film not only because of these events but to show students and faculty the importance of Asian American education and activism. In the film, people such as Larry Itliong and Viet Thanh Nguyen are important leadership figures in learning how Asian-Americans can make a change and have a voice in the United States. If you're interested in learning more about Asian-American history or if you want to understand the significance of having Asian-American education and classes, this film is for you.
(Al Lo)
Access Information:
This film is part of Tutt Library's Films on Demand collection and can be streamed online. You first need to log in with your CC student/employee account through the library website (https://www.coloradocollege.edu/library/). Then I would recommend doing a Onesearch to look up "Generation Rising" by PBS. Or, if you're already logged in, you can also try going direclty to https://fod-infobase-com.coloradocollege.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=210661 to view the film.