Catching Sight of Thelma and Louise
Catching Sight of Thelma and Louise is a documentary on Docuseek that explores the reactions of people who watched the movie Thelma and Louise, and how these impacts have either changed or remained the same over time. Most of the people who responded to Jennifer Townsend's request for impressions on the movie were women, and the power the film held for them 25 years ago has remained steady. It's really interesting to hear the similarities in feelings towards this movie across women of different backgrounds, and then to further see how different men's opinions fit into the mix. I found the documentary grimly informative in the acknowledgement that not much has changed about the reality of the rape culture that was prominent in the film.
(Inez Olivas)
Access information: Try our new documentary streaming service Docuseek! This documentary is available only to those with a CC single-sign-on account. First, log in to your library account on the Tutt home page. Search for Catching sight Thelma Louise, then follow the viewing link.
Or, if you're already logged in, you may be able to go directly to the film on Docuseek.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us here or via email, if you have any trouble!
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