Friday Feature: Space Colonies in Films on Demand

The 2018 documentary-style series Space Colonies, produced by Espresso TV, explains current developments in the scientific community as it plans to one day colonize the moon and Mars. The documentary traces different reasons for wanting to colonize other bodies in space— such as economic benefit, climate change and the threat of mass extinction by an asteroid. The series explains the challenges that scientists will face as they work to achieve this goal. Some of these include the health consequences for the human body, exposure to cosmic radiation in space and on Mars, and the sheer amount of resources needed to pull such a feat off.
Whether you agree with the objectives of this mission or not, money is being invested into this project and there are many people working every day to make it a reality. Space Colonies offers an interesting glimpse into that work that is being done and how far scientists still need to go.

Access info: Space Colonies is available on Films on Demand to CC students and employees. Simply navigate to our home page ( and use the main library search box (OneSearch) to find Films on Demand. Once you click through and log in, searching for Space Colonies should lead you to the film. As always, don't hesitate to contact us if you run into any difficulties!
If you don't have a CC single-sign on, you can still learn more about the film and see some sample footage at
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/19/2021