You can request books owned by Colorado College's Tutt Library through the library catalog.
- Most of the books in the library are pretty academic, but we also have a good collection of contemporary fiction, poetry, graphic novels, and so on.
- This fall, no one will be able to browse the library shelves (or "stacks"). Everyone will have to use the following method to request books. And will pick up their books at the library themselves when they are ready.
- Watch this two minute video to see how to make a request: - Then go to the library home page to do it yourself:
For off-campus students who can't otherwise use the library, we have curbside service enabled.
- Full instructions are here, and there is a mention & link on the library home page:
For immediate access, you can limit your search in the catalog to electronic books and resources.
Interlibrary Loan is available for CC faculty, students, and staff.
- We ask your patience as many libraries have not yet resumed lending their books-for example, CU Boulder is one of our major ILL partners and they are not yet lending. It is likely to take longer to get the books you have requested, and uncommon books may be entirely unavailable. The pandemic may also make things more difficult if our staff wind up in quarantine or isolation. The somewhat precarious state of the US Postal Service is also a factor.
- Throughout the pandemic we have been able to fill requests for articles and chapters, and will continue to do so.
- You may log in to your ILL account here: