Chaplain Kate Holbrook has a curated a list of resources on the intersections of spirituality, antiracism, social justice, and practice. Resources include:
- A series of Buddhist practices and meditations called, "Teachings for Uncertain Times"
- A podcast, “Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence ,” by therapist and racial trauma specialist Resmaa Menakem
- A list of national movements, including, Poor People’s Campaign, Black Lives Matter, and No More Deaths – No Más Muertes
- A list of spiritual and faith-based organizations that focus on antiracism and social justice Articles, including, “On Being a Good Neighbor,” by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is an ongoing project, and Chaplain Holbrook will be adding new resources periodically. If you have additional spiritual and faith-based suggestions to add to the list, contact Kate Holbrook in the Chaplain’s Office.