Technology Adoption Policy
The adoption of applications (defined as not only applications, but software, systems, platforms, online services, and technologies that go by other names) for institutional use has become increasingly complex in recent years. It can be quite challenging to find the technology that best meets a specific need, is compatible with technology already used at the college, complies with interoperability requirements, will tie into other systems, protects confidential data, is offered at the best price for the functionality, complies with US and international laws and data regulations, and can be implemented and maintained effectively with available staff and financial resources. This policy is intended to ensure that we are all maximizing the college’s resources and minimizing unforeseen hurdles when it comes to technology adoption.
All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.
This policy supports the Office of Information Technology’s commitments to be an excellent steward of the college’s resources; ensure that due diligence is performed to maximize compatibility with existing campus systems; follow applicable state, local, national, and international laws; protect institutional information and personal data; ensure application accessibility for users with disabilities; and minimize the chance of unforeseen costs, maintenance, or other issues.
New applications or modifications of existing applications that are purchased or licensed for Colorado College users (if you click agree on a license agreement) must be approved by the Office of Information Technology (ITS) and/or the Administrative Systems Advisory Committee (ASAC).
The Office of Information Technology does not provide support for applications, software, etc., that have been purchased without ITS’s involvement.
For any project or purchase questions related to applications, please contact the Solutions Center, Office of Information Technology at (719) 389-6449 or