Music Press
Catalog contents:
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Texts Available:
Hardbound Books
The Translations Series
The Text Translations Series
The Critical Text Series
The Transcription Series
Choral Masterworks Pre-20th Century
Choral Masterworks of the 20th Century
Instrumental Masterworks
Hardbound Books
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or editor |
Price |
HB -1 | George Crumb and the Alchemy of Sound![]() |
Steve Bruns, ed | $36.00 |
HB - 2 | A Festshrift for Albert Seay![]() |
Michael Grace, ed | $5.00 |
The Translations Series
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or editor |
Price |
T-1 | Concerning Music (2nd Edition) | Joh. de Grocheo | $5.00 |
T-2 | Concerning the Nature and Propriety of Tones (2nd Edition, Revised) | Joh. Tinctoris | $5.00 |
T-3 | The Discipline of Music | Aurelian de Reome | $5.00 |
T-4 | Toscanello in Music (2 volume set) |
Pietro Aaron | $7.50 |
T-5 | Musical Compendium | A. P. Coclico | $5.00 |
T-6 | Music (Musica) | N. Listenius | $5.00 |
T-7 | Music Handbook | Anonymous | $5.00 |
T-8 | Synopsis of New Music | John Lippius | $7.50 |
T-9 | Concerning Measured Music | Joh. de Garlandia | $7.50 |
T-10 | Proportions in Music | Joh. Tinctoris | $5.00 |
T-11 | Rules of Plain Music | Bonaventura da Brescia | $5.00 |
T-12 | Institutiones/Etymolgies | Cassiodorus/Isidore | $5.00 |
T-13 | Conclusions for Playing the Organ | Banchieri | $7.50 |
The Text-Translations
A series that combines critical texts with translations
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or Editor |
Price |
TT-1 | Tractatus de Discantu | Anonymous II | $7.50 |
TT-2 | Recanetum de Musica Aurea, Liber II, Cap. XX-XXVII | Stephano Vanneo | $7.50 |
TT-3 | De Musica Figurata | Marcin Kromer | $5.00 |
The Critical Text Series
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or Editor |
Price |
CT-1 | Regulae de contrapunto | Antonio de Leno | $5.00 |
CT-2 | Quaestiones et Solutiones | Anonymous | $5.00 |
CT-3 | Quatuor Tractatuli Italici de Contrapuncto | Anonymous | $5.00 |
CT-4 | Lectura Petrus | Tallanderius | $5.00 |
CT-5 | Carmen de Musica cum Glosis | Alezander de Villa Dei(?) | $5.00 |
CT-6 | Palma Choralis | Joh. de Olomons | $5.00 |
CT-7 | Duo Tractatuli de Musica | Egidius Carlerius | $5.00 |
CT-8 | Ars Musicorum, Libri VI et VIII | Guillermus de Podio | $5.00 |
CT-9 | Arte de Canto Llano | Martinez de Biscargui | $5.00 |
CT-10 | A Brief Introduction to the True Art of Music | William Bathe | $5.00 |
CT-11 | Brevis Collectio Artis Musicae | (Venturina) Bonaventura da Brescia | $7.50 |
CT-12 | Libellus de rudimentis musices | Biagio Rossetti | $7.50 |
CT-13 | Ritus canendi [Pars prima] * |
Johannes Gallicus | $15.00 |
CT-14 | Ritus canendi [Pars secunda] * |
Johannes Gallicus | (set) |
* Critical Texts 13 and 14 sold only as a pair
The Transcription Series
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or Editor |
Price |
TC-1 | II Primo Libro de Canzoni Francesi a Due Voci | Antonio Gardane | $5.00 |
TC-2 | Dixseptiesme Livre | Pierre Attaingnant | $5.00 |
TC-3 | Second Livre | Pierre Attaingnant | $5.00 |
TC-4 | Vingt Deuxiesme Livre | Pierre Attaingnant | $5.00 |
TC-5 | Cinquiesme Livre | Jacques Moderne | $5.00 |
TC-6 | Quart Livre | Jacques Moderne | $5.00 |
TC-7 | Trente Troysiesme Livre | Pierre Attaingnant | $5.00 |
Choral Masterworks Pre-20th Century: Series CCA
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or Editor |
Price |
CCA-1 | Et la, mon ami (SATB-Unacc) | Anonymous | $1.00 |
CCA-2 | Il estoit ung bongomme (SATB-Unacc) | Anonymous | $1.00 |
CCA-3 | Dur Acier et diamont(SATB-Unacc) | Janequin | $1.00 |
CCA-4 | Lamentatio (ST-Acc) | Dufay | $1.00 |
CCA-5 | O Domine (SATarB-Unacc) | Anonymous | $1.00 |
CCA-6 | Et den bon jour; Et den bon soir (SATB - Unacc) | Anonymous | $1.00 |
CCA-7 | Mass for four voices, two violins, and continuo | Charpentier | $2.50 |
CCA-8 | Si de bon cuiur (SATB-Unacc) | Janequin | $1.00 |
CCA-9 | Plus he la vois (SATB-Unacc) | Mittantier | $1.00 |
CCA-10 | Renfort des gens (SATB-Unacc) | Anonymous | $1.00 |
CCA-11 | Mortali apprendete (SSATB-Unacc) | Legrenzi | $1.00 |
CCA-12 | Quanto delirio (SSATB-w Organ) | Legrenzi | $1.00 |
CCA-13 | Hellas, mon Dieu (SATB-Unacc) | Janequin | $1.00 |
CCA-14 | Three Chansons (SSA-Unacc) | Gervaise | $1.00 |
CCA-15 | Une bergiere(SATB-Unacc) | de Marle | $1.00 |
CCA-16 | Five Renaissance Canons (SATB-Unacc) | ed.Seay | $1.00 |
CCA-17 | Four Lenten Motets (SATB-w Organ) | Leo | $1.00 |
CCA-18 | Faictez si vous plaist (SATB-Unacc) | Anonymous | $1.00 |
CCA-19 | Chi bussa? (SSATTB-Unacc) | Verdelot | $1.00 |
CCA-20 | Cesta belle petite bouche (SSATTB-Unacc) | Gerarde | $1.00 |
CCA-21 | Cald 'arrost' (SATB-Unacc) | De Ponte | $1.00 |
CCA-22 | Four Madrigals (Sop. and Guitar) | De Rore | $1.00 |
Choral Masterworks of the 20th Century: Series CCB
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or Editor |
Price |
CCB-1 | Three Haiku by Basho (SATB-Unacc) | Carlton Gamer | $1.00 |
CCB-2 | Then Finish the Last Song (SATB-Unacc) | Charles Warner | $1.00 |
CCB-3 | Laudate Dominum (SATB-Unacc) | Carlton Gamer | $1.00 |
Instrumental Masterworks: Series CCC
ID |
Book Title |
Author and/or Editor |
Price |
CCC-1 | Six Polish Dances and Songs for Recorders or Crumhorns | D. Lugoraja | $1.00 |
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Last updated: 05/09/2022