EN381 - Major Authors:

In-depth study of one major author, either contemporary or from an earlier period.

Prerequisite: 221 or 250 or consent of instructor.

1 unit — Garcia, Scheiner

Previously Featured Offering

As a major figure of British modernism and as a woman, Virginia Woolf’s contribution to the literary century is both stylistic and social. Explore the intersection of Woolf’s political and artistic beliefs, tracing the feminist artistry of Woolf’s oeuvre alongside other feminist criticisms that Woolf influenced.
Virginia Woolf
Photo from Wikimedia Commons


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Spring 2025 Block 5 Major Authors: James Baldwin Claire Oberon Garcia Armstrong Hall 255 25 / 22 12/22/2024
Spring 2025 Block 8 Major Authors: Margaret Atwood Topic Details Corinne Scheiner Cossitt Hall 101C 25 / 15 12/22/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 12/22/2024