BE100 - Studies in Organismal Biology and Ecology

Presents students not majoring in organismal biology and ecology with inquiries into contemporary issues and phenomena in the biological sciences. Activities include lectures, readings, discussions, and laboratory or field experiences. May not be counted toward a OBE major. (May meet the laboratory/field requirement for critical perspectives.)

1 unit

Previously Featured Offering

This course explores how organisms survive through the winters in seasonally frigid places. Through lectures and multiple field trips, students learn about snow science, explore the diversity, physiology, and behavior of organisms during the winter and familiarize ourselves with the strategies organisms have used to evolve.

Hiking through snowy woods
Photo from Ryan Hammes
Loving it to death: Ecology & Human Impacts in the Rocky Mountain West aims to establish a foundational understanding of ecological theory and practice, then utilize this foundation to investigate various ecosystems and evaluate the extent of human impacts.
Photo of people at the Sand Dunes in Colorado
Photo by Westly Joseph '21.
Tourism and outdoor recreation, such as skiing, hiking, fly­fishing and river rafting for example, are major economic drivers in Colorado. Yet, the popularity of these year­round activities is taking a major toll on the local ecosystems. Historic and traditional activities compound the problem, as abandoned mines from the gold rush era leach toxic chemicals into mountain streams and farming/ranching influence species diversity and watershed health. This course aims to establish a foundational understanding of ecological theory and practice, then utilize this foundation to investigate various ecosystems and evaluate the extent of human impacts. Tackling these questions will promote problem-­solving skills in the context of complex multifactorial issues and ultimately foster an understanding of the interdisciplinary and holistic nature of conservation biology.


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Spring 2026 Block 7 Studies in Organismal Biology and Ecology TBA 24 / 24 03/31/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/31/2025