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Speaking Truth with Power: Summer Block Explores Iconic Black Authors

The last few months have turned our world upside down and inside out. A global pandemic, a flailing economy, and a generation-defining series of protests against systemic anti-Black racism and police brutality. These are times of world-altering shifts. During times like these, we often turn to art — in particular, to writers — to their worlds, works, and words. A Summer Session English class taught by Assistant Professor Michael Sawyer is diving into the works of Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, and Toni Morrison. “Books help you take a historical event and put it into the context and experiences of a single person’s life, however fictional that person is. You get to see how systemic racism can shape lives on a microscale,” says Anya Steinberg ’21.

Margaret Liu '77 Featured in National Geographic Article on COVID-19 Vaccine

Margaret Liu '77, nicknamed the “the Mother of DNA Vaccines” due to her prominence in early DNA and mRNA vaccine research, weighed in on Moderna Therapeutics’ mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in National Geographic. Liu touches upon the history of DNA and mRNA vaccines, how they could work against differing strains of the virus, and why it’s so significant that Moderna Therapeutics’ COVID-19 vaccine has proven safe and effective in the first phase of human trials. Read the article and learn more about Liu, who was featured as one of CC’s Faces of Innovation.

CC Welcomes Eight New Trustees

Colorado College has named eight new members to its Board of Trustees for terms beginning in July 2020. The new trustees are Alan Woo ’71; Jane Franke ’84, P’17; Frieda Ekotto ’86; So Yong Park ’87; Eric Duran ’91; Onyx Bengston ’18; Elliott Williams ’21; and France Winddance Twine. “We are honored to elect these new trustees representing a wide array of communities, perspectives, and professions,” says Susie Burghart ’77, board chair. Read more about each of the new trustees.

Fifth Annual Issue of Anamnesis: The Colorado College Journal of Philosophy  

Anamnesis: The Colorado College Journal of Philosophy is the student-edited philosophy journal of Colorado College. The journal publishes philosophical undergraduate essays from colleges and universities nationwide. CC students founded the journal in order to give their peers a taste of what the discipline can be at its best. This year, the journal ends with a poem written by Spencer Janney ’20. His poem, “The Seed,” ponders the organic metaphor of Hegel’s dialectic, the unfolding of Spirit towards freedom. Read the fifth issue of Anamnesis.

Remote Work Resources for Faculty and Staff

The Office of Human Resources has created a page of resources for remote work, including:

  • Unique ways to recognize and celebrate milestones, birthdays, and work anniversaries from a distance
  • Methods for combating screen fatigue
  • Tips on how to avoid the pitfalls of digital communication
  • Ideas for remote team building activities such as virtual Jeopardy or virtual happy hours
  • Specific strategies for managers and directors to create structure, belonging, and development during this time

View the full page of resources.

CC’s Coronavirus Updates & Resources page has the latest information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you have additional concerns about COVID-19 or our campus response, direct them to:; please leave your phone number if you prefer a personal call back. Remember, there are numerous resources on campus for support and assistance, including the Counseling Center, the Chaplain’s OfficeEmployee Assistance Plan, the Butler Center, the Advising Hub, and the Wellness Resource Center.

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